Part 14

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Ey Guys!
  I know I haven't posted for 4 days now and I'm really sorry! Exams week is coming and I was busy.  :3
Anyways!  Wow 4.78k reads, that's amazing!  :D
Thank You Guys So Much <3
"I hope..."

Dream POV

"Mate looks down."

My wolf has been saying me this since I got home. Usually I'd see George being all cheery in the kitchen whenever I get home. He'd be cooking dinner for both of us, yet today he's all gloomy. He didn't even notice I was back home.

I'm not really sure what happened or who made him feel sad but I really need to get it together and go talk to my mate.

Alphas aren't really the comforting type of werewolves. Especially not my wolf who is just filling my head with who that possible person may be who made George sad and ready to go attack that person, which I'm not gonna do cause its stupid in my perspective, unless I know the reason why. 


George and I are now in our bedroom.  We were both reading a book when all I could hear is George sighing every now and then. He would then space out a bit before going back to reading. Usually he would be all talkative about his day and even asks for mine. We would laugh while cuddling each other,  or reading a book to one another. 


"That's the 30th time you sigh tonight." I interrupted him.

"Hmmmm." George responded with a dull nod. 

"What's wrong love?" I asked him.

"It's nothing..." He told me

"There's definitely something George. You've been down since I came back home, why?" I replied to him with a serious tone. He needs to know that I'm concerned for him. 

"I-Im not feeling well that's all."

There was a but of silence after that. I know George is hiding something and I'm still gonna find out why.

"Sigh... Georgy please, you can be upset all you want with me but don't hide things from me especially when its giving you a burden." I told him honestly while grabbing his head by my hands and gently plopped him on my shoulders. I look towards his forehead and gave him a small peck. 

"I-its complicated Dream. I-I just couldn't believe it myself. What happened to my old pack." He stuttered. 

"George it's ok, just take it slowly. Im here love." I reassured him. 

"T-they killed all the Omegas." George started to sobbed.

This news made my blood boil. How could they mercilessly killed all the Omegas?  What the hell did they do to die?

"Who told you this?  And why would they do it so mercilessly!?" I must have startled him because he made a shocked and pale expression.

"I-it was all my fault Dream.. I-if I haven't ran away they would have been saved!" George began to cling onto me really tightly, he was crying out loud and I immediately wrap his small frame with mine.

"George, its no one's fault okay?  Its not your fault." Patting his back, he started to sob even more.

I felt bad for the Omegas and on my mate for taking the blame. It wasn't his fault, George just wanted to live free. 


I was just sitting there, George hugging me tightly while he's still sobbing in my arms. We've been like this for awhile now.

I'm just silently listening to my mates cries, and it's making me feel bad how I couldn't do anything about it at the moment, my wolf feels sad for him as well, but all we could do is to wait for him to stop. 

When George finally looked up to me, I can see his eyes all puffy. Even though we we're in a serious situation right now I can still say that he is cute even when he's eyes are all puffy and his nose red. 

"Calm down love... Everything happens for a reason, and there's always a reason for everything..." I told him while caressing his hair.

I gently moved to the side so now we're bot laying down on the bed sideways facing each other.  I gave him a smile and pecked his cheeks goodnight still hugging him under the bed sheets.

"I hope..." George replied, and then silently both went to sleep..

Ey that's all for today!
Yes I know pretty short and I'm really sorry I'm just really busy with exams.
Also I wanted to have a little DNF scene for them. <3
Don't forget to vote! 
Love y'all!

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