Part 21

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Hello Guys! I'm back :D
But before we begin I'm truly grateful and thankful for all of your nice and sweet comments.
I truly appreciate it and I feel like I've been gone long enough, hehe sorry about that, but I'm sure you know why. :)
Also OMG we reached 18.1k reads already?! That's amazing guys. <3

Wasn't expecting for this story to go even more viral. :3
Anyways Enjoy! Oh and read my announcement at the end of this Chapter hehe :3
"Welcome back"

Dream POV

"I miss you dreamy..."

Thats sound, it was definitely George who else could it be? My mate is probably worried sick. Why am I taking so long in this place, well more like my wolf is, he's been trying to heal both of us for maybe a day now.

"Hey dream"

"Huh? P-phil?! What? Why are you hear,wait where are we?"

Phil gave out a chuckle, "We're in the healing grounds of the moon realm. It's a place where our wolves come to rest and heal, when we get unconscious in the over world our spirit comes here with our wolves to heal as well."

"Ohh.. I never really thought this exists until now."

"You'd got a lot to learn then." He pats me on the head.

"And you sure know so much" Phil and I laughed.

"You're probably hearing voices correct?" Phil asked.

"Yes... In fact it's from my mate George...."

"You mean the while wolf Omega that escaped? So he was you're mate?"

"Y-yeah miraculously I found my mate."

"Congrats both of you.. I couldn't be more happier..."

"Thanks Phil.." I said while smiling at him.

"You know, you could ask your wolf if he's ready to return home. So both of you could be conscious in the over world."

"Yeah I can, but what about you Phil?"

"Im just an Old Beta wold Dream, It takes longer time for me to heal than you."

"Right... So I'll see you in the over world later?" I asked, and Phil gave me a hum and nod.

I decided to go and check at my wolf who was sleeping under an oak tree. Gently tapping his head he opened his green eyes and stared back at me.

"So bud, ready to take us home?"

He then made a sort of huff sound and nod which indicates that he's ready.

"Awwe did still wanna enjoy your time here?" I asked my wolf and he nod again. "But mate is waiting for us you know, and he's been missing us for a while now."

Under The Night Blue Sky (DreamNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now