Part 13

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3rd POV

Everyone was happily eating in the cafeteria. Bad and George made their mates eat the dish they made to which both approve of the taste. Sapnap and Karl were both talking to each other. It was an enjoying moment for all of them.

After lunch, Skeppy, Dream and Sapnap went back to their work while Bad, George and Karl decided to go to George's house.

While Bad and George were talking on their way, Karl seems to be a little off. George notices and thought maybe he's just in awe with the sight of the village.

A little later they finally reached George and Dream's house.

"Come in guys and feel free to feel lile home." George said and Bad immediately plop into the couch of the living room while Karl was still stamding taking in the view. George went into the kitchen and moments after came back with a cold drink. 

"I've got some iced tea for us." He announced.

"Yes I'm thirsty. The weather today sure is hot." Bad replied. 

"Well it is summer Bad." George said.

"Hey Karl you can sit wherever you want you know." Bad told him. 

"Uhm sure.." Karl dimly replied and sat on the far end of the couch. 

Bad and George then looked at each other. They sense that something was wrong with Karl and that they both weren't too sure if it was a good idea to ask him. George then decided to take the first step. 

"Is everything okay Karl?" He said. 

Karl was a bit hesitant when asked. It was like he was hiding something or was too afraid to tell them. He looked at George for a bit, starring at him for a while until he started to sob up. This made George and Bad Immediately got up of their places and went closer to Karl.  They both hugged him like their Omega instincts kicked in about caring for others that are dear to them.

Karl gladly accepted their care and continued to sob holding both George and Bad tightly. Bad and George just quietly looking out for him. 


A few moments later Karl had finally calmed down. He then broke the embrace and wiped out his puffy eyes with his jacket that Sapnap gave him when they met this morning. 

"Im sorry guys it's just that, what happened in L'manberg is still haunting me." Karl said.

"W-what happened to L'manberg?" George who hated his own pack hesitantly asked.

Karl starred at George for a minute before saying something that made George want to throw up. 

"They killed all the Omegas." Karl said with horrifying eyes. "I saw it with my own eyes. T-they came in the hall where Omegas used to assembly. The Head omega was also there."

"T-thats insane!  Why would they kill all their Omegas?!" Bad exclaimed. 

"W-when George left the pack that night. They knew something was wrong. The Head Omega went into George's household 2 days later and his parents told them you escaped." Karl said. 

"The news quickly spread about an Omega that manages to escape the pack. And everyone we're starting to treat the Omegas even badly."

"That's awful." Bad responded. George on the other hand, was still trying to process what Karl just said.

"It was awful. But I never thought that one day it became so awful, they decided to just end the Omega population of Lamberg." Karl sobbed. 
"I- it was horrible. I was always the guard in charge of the Omegas. I saw how brutally each one of them got killed im that hall."

"Because of it I decided to escape myself. I didn't wanna live in that horrible place anymore."

Silence fell on them for a moment. Bad was shocked and George was terrified on what happened. The mood quickly changed from being happy to sad in one day.

George felt like he was the reason for almost fifty Omegas in the pack to die. He felt horrible. He started to cry really badly. Thinking of how he could have saved everyone if he didn't escaped. Thinking how it was his fault he left them. He hated L'manberg even more after he heard what happened, at the same time he felt guilty. 

"G-george please don't think of this as your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault if our old pack would have treated Omegas fairly this wouldn't happen. We were both just desperate to find a new life." Karl tried to reassured George.

"B-but those people didn't deserve to die. They deserve to live like us." George cried out. 

"Its gonna be okay George, everything happened for a reason." Bad said while patting George's back to comfort him. 

"N-no, because of this they couldn't be free. They died in that prison to where they we're born." George said. 

"Its gonna be okay George. Please stop crying." Karl told him.  He hugged George, trying to comfort him and Bad patted George's head and back. 

"Im sorry for all of them." George sobbed out. 

"I know George and I feel the same." Karl sobbed. 

It was tragic for both George and Karl. The people that they used to see everyday and work with,  now all dead.


"Alpha. We could find the guard that was in charge with the Omegas. We searched the pack and he is no where to be found." A guard from L'manberg said. 

"What!?" Alpha Schlatt yelled. "How dare he also escape the pack!"

He was now in rage as he heard the news. The two guards standing before him bowed their heads in submission. 

"Where were the border guards when this happened?!" He said. 

"T-they were patrolling the east west and north border Alpha." One of the guards said.

"And no one looked out for the south!?" Alpha Schlatt raged.

"T-they were b-busy taking out the dead bodies of the omegas at that time  Alpha." The guards replied.

"Imbeciles! Those useless fools. They are nothing but pathetic sh*ts!" He said.

"Now then, looks like someone is in trouble."

Cliff hanger. :)
Welp things just turned around.
See you guys next Chapter!  :3

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