Part 8

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"Get to know you"

George POV

"George.." I groaned at the sound of my mate waking me up. The feeling of having a deep slumber for the first time in years was great and the feeling of dream plus the bed gave my body comfort. "Wakey wakey hon." I can feel him sitting right next to me while caressing my hair, it makes me wanna sleep even more. "George, let's eat brunch." He chuckled lightly. I hummed in response as I finally opened my eyes seeing the bright room and Dream smiling at me. 

"Good morning Dreamy."

"Dreamy?" He sure looked stunned when I called him that. Which is good, it means I'm able to actually tease him back from calling me Georgy. "What?  Don't like the new nickname?" I smirked. "Nah, as long as your happy Georgy." He winked at me. "C'mon its already noon and we need to eat. You sure sleep like a baby."

"I'm not a baby." I grunted at him and he gave me another chuckle. I got off the bed and stretched myself for a bit before following Dream outside to the kitchen. I haven't really seen the whole house yet since we immediately went upstairs yesterday.

As I went outside the bedroom I noticed there were 3 more rooms upstairs other than Dream's bedroom and a window at the end of the hall. The staircase downstairs was right next to Dream's bedroom which was the first room on all the four. It made me wonder what were in those bedrooms.

Walking down the staircase made with oak wood, there were a bunch of picture frames hanged on the side walls to it. I took a look at each one and saw some family photos of Dream and even a portrait of Dream itself when he was younger. Seeing my mate's baby picture made me chuckle at how cute he is in that portrait. I know for a fact it was him, who wouldn't miss out on those deep green eyes and blonde hair. He looks super adorable and I cant help but feel awe.

As I was busy staring at the picture of baby Dream, suddenly a pair of hands landed on my stomach and dragged me from behind to their chest. I almost panicked until I sensed that it was none other than Dream himself. He hugged my from behind placing his chin on my shoulders as he kissed where his mark was supposed to be on my neck near my scent glands. The touch of my mate made my wolf excited however I still am a but conscious about him especially when I don't know him yet.

"Like what you see Georgy?" He asked while his head is now above on mine. Damn he is taller than me, well technically he is an alpha anyway. Most Alphas are bigger than other werewolves both human and in wolf form. Some are wise leader and some can ve really aggressive. They're also more possessive when it comes to mates but will still consider having a stronger one by their side for the greater title,which is probably another reason why I'm still unsure of him, an Omega like me having an Alpha mate would probably ruin Dream's title and I don't want to ruin everything he has built.

"Mhmm" I responded as he grabbed my hand and led me towards the kitchen. "You can go sight seeing the entire house after we eat brunch okay hon?" He told me and I nod in response.

As we both stepped into the dining area next to the kitchen, I was able to smell the delicious bacon and some morning pancakes that were in the kitchen. It made my stomach growl loudly making me look at my mate as we made a shock face that nade me blush hard. "Uhm I'm sorry I didn't know I was this hungry." I told him as to not make him upset but instead he gave me a laugh, "Omg that was so loud George." He said after every chuckle he gave out and it made me blush even more. "Alright lemme do the honors then hon."

Before I could even respond to what he just said he then proceeded to make me sit on the chair, grabbing me a plate and placing it down on the table in front of me as he went to grab his own and came back sitting next to me.

"Bon appetite Georgy." He said and I couldn't help but stare at the food in front of me. I had no idea how long was I spacing out when I felt Dream and started hugging me from behind. That is when I noticed that there were tears on my eyes and I was sobbing up.

"What's wrong George?  Do you not like the food?" I began to sense my mates concerned aura around me and I immediately got out of the chair and cling onto him for comfort.

The thought of not having breakfast for a long time because of how cruel my mom and dad was and how my pack treats Omegas as slaves made me burst into Dreams hold. I continued sobbing for a bit while dream remained in place still holding me tightly while I was wrapped around him. He created an aura of comfort to calm me down.

"I'm sorry Dream, it's just that it's been a while since I had a meal like this." I honestly told him.

"It's okay love, its okay. You're okay now George." He reassured me. "Look I don't know what happened to you before we met each other but I promise as your mate I will protect you George."

The thought of my mate saying those words just made me wanna ask him more about himself. "Dream?"

"Yes Hon?"

"I wanna get to know you."

Yep that's all for today!
See you guys next chapter :3

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