Part 15

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Hey guys! 
I'm really sorry for the long delay
apparently I have a cold and needed to rest 
Wont take you up so long,  so here ya go!
"Dark Mission"

3rd POV

--------------------Skip Week ------------------

Its been a few weeks since the incident in L'manberg happen and Alpha Schllat still wasn't satisfied by killing every Omega in the pack. He was desperate to kill the escapees, to kill George and Karl. 

He suspected that the stupid guard from the Omegas was the culprit into getting one out of pack borders, it must be why he didn't seem to panicked or mind when one Omega went missing.

"Those fools thinks they can outsmart me." Schllat said angrily. "I'm gonna rip their heads apart!" He roared through the meeting room. "That guard must have known where the Omega was going. We should follow his tracks."

"But Alpha sir, we found nothing not even scent. He hid his own scent." One of the royal guards spoke. 

"Then we track him to where he has gone through!  He should be heading south since no one was in patrol in the area when it happened!" Alpha Schllat said. "Gather the most fierce man we have. Tonight we will all go south in search for those pest."

"Sire,  there's a slight problem." A royal guard commented.

"What could be a slight problem that needs to be heard?" Schllat sneered.

"The far south is within the territories of the Dream SMP. They are a strong pack and we are kinda in a conflict with them for a while Alpha." The royal guard replied. 

"So what?!  If they try to mind into our own business then we'll just have to start a war with them. Nothing will stand in my way!" Schlat spats at the royal guard. His fierce and intimidating look made the royal guards bow in submission. 

Alpha Schlat is always known as cruel and merciless, a lot of packs hate him for it but he doesn't care. He rules like how he wants to, like a selfish king in the lands of L'manberg. 
He only cares for power and submission of his subjects.

Just as the meeting ended a young man stepped inside the room and greeted his father,  it was no other than the heir itself.  Technoblade was the son of Schlat and soon to be the next Alpha of L'manberg.

The same as his father,  Techno means nothing but blood just like everyone says about him. He was wearing an inner tunic with a belt on the waist and a pig crest attached to it. Walking gloriously towards everyone before telling them about his news on how he may have found a clue to where those pests are. 

"I have scouted some areas on the south when I heard about the possible route they took,  and I am pleased to tell you that I may have found some information to where those two are." He said. 

"And what have you found my son." Schlat commented. 

"They may have actually gone to the Dream SMP" Techno said. 

"Excellent." Schlat then made an evil laugh. "Then we are all gonna head there tonight and make sure to kill those pests. And nothing will stand in our way not even the Dream SMP."

"I will come with you father." Techno said. 

"If you insist" Schlat said. "Make sure everyone is ready. We will kill whoever tries to interfere."

"L'manberg will rise!" Schlat roared. 
"And that is a dark mission i will keep."

Cliff hanger 2.0 :3
Im really sorry for the delay but ill make up for it soon :(
Anyways hope you having a great day!
See ya!

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