Part 3

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I just wanna say that I hope you guys are having a great day ;)
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"When reality hits you."


Feeling the cold breeze of the wind as George speeded through the forest leaving no scent trails behind all thanks to Karl's help.

He made it passed the southern border just as planned without anyone around and happily dashed towards the lakes that was known to be the final leap before heading into no mans territory.

He was in his beautiful white wolf dodging tree after tree and he happily felt so amaizing just finally being able to escape and to step out of his now abandoned pack, L'manberg.

Did he regret his decisions? Did he missed miss his old pack? Was he slightly guilty of leaving?

At this time only George could think of was that he didn't care about his old pack. He just wanted to taste freedom and maybe even finding his mate.

He might have felt a little guilty for leaving the other omegas behind and also his friend Karl, but he was determined to survive and get out of that hell hole.

As his wolf spotted the river they stopped to drink water and instantly decreased their thirst before leaping on rocks to cross the final border.

Once he was finally out, reality hits him and now he will be known as a rogue until a new pack accepts him of he finds his mate.

Rogues are werewolves that are either banished or had an old pack but was attacked by other packs or just simply being born one. Other rogues are werewolves like George who just wanted to abandon their pack.

Rogues are normally told as ruthless and untrustworthy because normally they are the bad ones that was thrown out by the pack.

Although not all of them are bad, but George still needed to be careful not to approach or even spot one.

Karl told him that his potion should last for 2 days so he still has time to wonder off south until he finds a possible new pack and hopes of it to have better treatment in omegas unlike his pack.

Until then, George will still remain as a rogue.



Im finally out. Im free. I have escaped and I'm still alive. I can't believe I'm still not hunted down by guard wolves in my pack. This potion Karl gave me really helped and now I am finally in no mans territory.

The feeling of realizing that im officially a rogue is weird. I can sense that the scent of my pack is slowly gone which means I am no longer a member.

I can feel my paws starting to hurt from all the running and I can tell that I'm already a couple miles away from the pack.

I can feel my stomach growling which is a sign of me being hungry.

Speaking of eating I haven't eaten anything since breakfast, well that is if you consider an apple as breakfast. But werewolves need to eat much more than just one apple.

I slowed down my pace while sniffing the air around smelling for any signs of small creature I can hunt down and eat. This might be my first time hunting but I know that my instincts will kick in same as when I first started shifting into my wolf form when I was 15.

But compared to other high ranking wolves, I have a small wolf because of me being an omega.

As I was walking slowly and silently I stopped when I sense a living presence just around the corner of from where I can see. It was a small rabbit, and for some reason it was still outside its den. Rabbits usually hop inside their little whole during sun down.

Maybe this is the moon goddess freedom gift for me. Yeah I'm just being a little emotional.

I slowly followed my instincts crouching down positioning myself on the rabbits direction before taking a big leap pouncing the rabbit that was now in front of me.

I quickly bite its neck until I felt the rabbit stopped moving and placed it down on the ground before tearing it up and eating it.

The taste of raw meat engulfed my senses and finally being able to hunt and eat made my wolf very happy.

Short Chapter
But it'll do for now.

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