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A/N:  A REAL Smut warning guys, If you are going to read further you are not allowed to hate me.😛

"New, You go upstairs and wait for me..." I instructed  a scared New. He didn't move for a few seconds and it made me scowl again..."Now...." 

Like he was switched on, New immediately reacted and dragged himself upstairs.

"What the hell Tay, I want him out of my house right this second..." My dad spout as he watched New climbing up.

"Dad.... what are you doing, you are ruining my plan..." I then whispered once New was out of hearing distance. 

Dad frowned. 

"Dad, I worked hard for today, The day New Thittiphom would believe me enough to walk into my trap..." ....I forced a smirk on to my face... "How much did he torture me, just because of him I couldn't be peaceful anywhere I go, always making me feel like shit in school and then in college,  I still remember the day his father came to seize our house dad, I can never forget that day, We had to spend the night in a motel...Dad, I am going to show him hell, I am gonna make him beg me to let him go, It's time Thittiphoms taste there own medicine, The idiot thinks I love him, I made him write a note to his father saying New loaths him, The game just began dad, just sit back and watch now..." I made sure that there is no single atom of sympathy or regret in my face as I assured my dad.

Dad smiled proudly at me.

"But what if he runs away and files a case against you..." dad then asked rubbing his chin. 

"I just got our marriage registered this morning, so there is no way New can escape me now..." I laughed a evil laugh.

My father laughed with me... "I am proud of you Tay... I know you would never disappoint me..."

"Thank you dad, Now let me go and start my mission..." I springged up enthusiastically and scooted towards my room as my father nodded giving his permission. 

As soon as I entered the room I had to freeze, from the view that greeted me... New was half naked, only a white towel wrapped around his thighs getting ready for the shower.

When He saw me by the door,  he walked towards me pouting with the same cute and innocent face. I involuntarily stepped back as he came dangerously close, shutting the door behind me in the process.

I am now glued to the door, New is still getting closer having no intention to leave any air between us and pinned me with his chest extending his hand above my head to take balance, his breath tickling  my cheeks. Once in position his expression snapped and he is now smirking. God, the way he changes his demeanour, It's gonna stop my heart one day.

I had to concentrate on controlling my heart beat not wanting to let it out of my rib cage. It only kept hiking from the moment I stepped inside and saw New's bare chest. Believe me or not, but he is a Greek god. I sometimes doubt  if he is even real. 

His lips grazed over my ear lobe as he spoke... "You want to make me taste my own medicine, Is it?" He then blew on my already blushing ear... "How do you plan on doing it baby?"

I gulped as the gush of air from New's lips on my ears made sweat beads form on my forehead. I tried to speak though I was already feeling choked... "Hin... I... You know... I just..."

"You just what Tae?" New asked again running his tongue up my ears. 

Unable to take in sudden shock this time I plunged forward and hugged New tight, feeling like a cat that needs the owners sympathy and attention "I just wanted to calm my dad... " I then blurted... "Why did you give me such a dare...."

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