Come Back

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The shooting was boring today, every scene was re-taked several times, and I was getting tired of doing things again and again. I was sipping a drink between the takes and that is when I saw Tay, he was talking to the director smiling wide. I frowned, look how shameless he is smiling and not even glancing at me in my shooting set. By the minute I observe him I was getting more irritated. So when i finished the drink, not being able to help, I was going to stomp towards him but one of the Assistant directors stopped me to brief me the next scene. The brief was short, i would need to get intimate to my female counter-part in the net scene, It's gonna be easy though all i had to do is imagine her to be Tay and I can pull it off in just one take. Once the AD left I looked for Tay, but i couldn't find him, the Director is still talking to someone but it's not Tay. Where did he go now... Wait... No... How could it be Tay, he is not even in Bangkok. Does that mean I just... Damn it... This is not healthy.

I was frantically reaching for my phone, when the cast was announced to gather again for the next scene. I was desperate and needy, so it wasn't difficult for me to act like it, but my co-actor was not into it and it took several takes to okay the scene.

Once i heard wrap up, I ran to my phone and called Tay, He picked up after seventh ring...

"New, What's up?" he sounded energetic from the other side.

"When are you coming back, Taee...?" I asked in a expectant tone.

He sighed...."Tomorrow, As planned and as I already told you a hundred times..."

"Can't you come back today?" I requested.

"New, I really can't baby, You know i would have... if i could..." Tay was trying to be sweet and persuasive and i could hear him moving away from the crowd....

"Taee... I miss you ja...." I whinned.

"I miss you too Hin..., Just wait for me, I will be back there is no time... I have to go now, my friends are calling me...." I could sense that he is getting impatient.

"TAEEE...." I almost screamed scared that he might end the call....

"Hinnnnnn.... " He also whinned on the other side mimicking me "Are you okay? You whine soo much only when you are ill, Do you have a headache or something?"

"No, i am fine.... I just miss you.... you know i am missing you so bad that I am seeing you everywhere...." I almost sounded like i am about to cry.

He chuckled. I could imagine, how he would have suddenly got all shy and smiled wide looking down chuckling, it gave me the urge to kiss him badly.

"What if ...if i kiss someone else, thinking it's you..." I wanted to play the jealousy card.

He laughed a little before replying.... "You are not that stupid Hin... You wouldn't do anything like that.... trust in yourself..."

"I know i am not stupid, I am just whipped...." I murmured and pouted like he could see me through the phone.

"Hmmm... New... how about i order ice-cream for you, Send me your set location, I will get it delivered...." He is playing deserts card.

"No, I don't want Ice-cream, I need you...." I can buy it myself.... " How about you come back today, and i will let you have your way with me...." and mine is the seduction card this time.

"HINNN..." He whispered loudly as a warning.

"Uhu...uhuu..." I am not sure why i am missing him soo badly today but I seriously felt like crying.

He laughed on the other side, "Are you for real now...?"

"Do you have a crush on any of your CT friends?" I asked with the same disappointed tone.

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