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"My phone is in your handbag right?" New asked his wife in the middle of the meal.

She looked sceptically at her husband sitting in the middle of the fancy restaurant..."Yes?"

"Can you pass it to me?" New asked wiping his mouth with the cloth.

"New, we have talked about this..." She glared at him trying to scare him.

"I know...I know... I don't wanna use the phone either but I have got a feeling that Tay is trying to reach me...?" New asked irritated.

"So? " she raised an eyebrow at him.

"I have already told him that I am taking you out for the anniversary dinner date, he wouldn't call if it isn't extremely necessary, Please just  give it to me..." New requested.

She finally sighed and pulled out the mobile for New. To her shock, Tay was actually calling New.

New plucked the phone as soon as it came into his sight and answered it.. "Tay!?"

"Hin! Finally, Sorry I am disturbing your data but Hurry up and tell me where is Veer's health card, I have looked everywhere, But I couldn't find it..." Tay sounded eager.

"Everywhere? What about the bedroom?" New asked frowning.

"Yes, there as well... " Tay replies scrambling on the other side of the line.

"The drawer under the Buddha statue?" New sighed asking the question.

It sounded like Tay was running as he replied.. "Oo wait..."

"Why do you need it now anyway?" New asked worriedly.

"Umm... Nothing I just realised that our health insurance is going to expire soon, I need to renew it..." Tay replied with a lot of screeching sound on the background.

"You should have just told me, I would have brought it to the office tomorrow Tae, Why did you have to come all the way to home for that now at this time..." New is annoyed from Tay's clumsiness now.

"Oo ya you are right, I should have... " Tay murmured before announcing... "Found it!, Okay I got to go bye" And before New could react the line went blank. 

"Tay is acting weird which means Veer must be ill or something...We better get..." New looked up and stopped mid-sentence when he couldn't find anyone sitting across him. Even the handbag is missing. New assumed she went to the powder room. But he didn't want to wait, He needed to get to Tay and Veer right away, So, he waved for the waiter to pay the bill.

The waiter who has been serving them from the start came with the bill and handed him a note along with the bill... "Your wife said she is in a hurry and wanted me to give you this..." He said politely.

New passed his credit card to the waiter before opening the note and read it. 

"New, I have been waiting for ten years, I even married you but no matter what, I will always come second for you, I can never beat Tay, Can I? He is always going to be your No.1 and I can't bear to live with someone who won't give me the value I deserve, Hence I am leaving before I loose confidence in myself, Don't try to find me because I am leaving Veer to you as the token of my love... Tell Veer that Mama loves him...."

New wanted to cry, he wanted to cry out loud to make a fuss, be loud enough to stop the world in its tracks, He has always cared for her, gave her everything he could, Tay was supposed to be his No.1, Tay has always been there for him and is the whole reason for where he is now, but he never paid a penny of attention to those facts, It was always her and Veer that New prioritized, How could she say that she was second, Is this some kind of joke, What else was he supposed to do, always follow her everywhere holding the hem of her dress? If anyone has the right to complain, It's Tay, not her. 

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