Chapter 1: Late To Class

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I was startled awake by a noise. It took me a moment to realize it was my alarm clock going off. I reached over to my nightstand to turn it off, and then I hopped out of bed. I was a freshman at Sutlow University this year, and I was looking forward to my first day! After a few moments, I heard the faint sound of pop music coming through the walls. That was my cousin Calinida, but I called her Cali for short. We were sharing a dorm room on campus. We both happened to have our first class at the same time, which was why we were both up at seven–thirty in the morning.

Calinida and I were practically sisters, but we were very opposite. Calinida was confident, and outgoing; usually she could make friends pretty quickly. And the way she carried herself was always so graceful, even when she wasn't trying. She had curves in all the right places, and she was a bit taller than your average female. Her breasts were plump and perky, accenting her figure perfectly., and she had a very nice butt. Her skin complexion was rich brown, and she had really nice dark brown, curly hair that hung just past her shoulders.

When it came to myself, I was an awkward, clumsy, introvert who found it hard to even approach someone. As for body physique, I did have curves, but I was much chubbier than Calinida, and I had big boobs with a big butt to match. My skin tone was a bit pale in comparison to hers, and as for my hair, it was way more wavy than curly, and much shorter. Most days it felt like my hair was more of a wild mop that sat on top of my head.

Growing up with Calinida was tough on me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved her dearly, but...I was compared to her all the time! Our classmates would compare us in academics, and extracurricular activities. Sometimes, even our parents would compare us! It was suffocating! And no one knew that deep down I felt like I was drowning... After graduating high school, I thought we could finally have some time apart, and I could spread my wings, but then I found out that Calinida wanted to attend Sutlow University too! We wanted to live on campus, and our parents were totally cool with long as we lived together. So, there I was, sharing a dorm with Calinida. It wasn't like having her around was terrible, it was just that...I was ready to break away from being in her shadow, and I had planned for college to be my escape.

I started rummaging through my drawers until I found a bra, and a pair of underwear. Then, I moved on to looking for clothes to wear. Usually I wore hooded sweatshirts, most of them dark colors, and black or dark blue jeans. For today, I decided on a gray hoodie, and black jeans with rips in the knees, then went to my closet and grabbed a pair of gray Vans. I took off my pajamas, changed into my day clothes, and slipped into my sneakers without untying them. After that I left my room and headed for the bathroom, where Calinida was putting on makeup.

"Good morning, Cali," I greeted.

She was applying her eye shadow as I began to brush my teeth.

"Good morning, Lovebug," she greeted.

Lovebug was a nickname she'd given me when we were kids, but still to this day whenever we were alone like this, she tended to use it. Once I was done brushing my teeth, I brushed my hair, then applied a small amount of eyeliner, and mascara to my eyes. Calinida was the first to leave the bathroom, but I followed behind shortly after. We gathered our school supplies, and packed them in our bookbags before leaving our dorm room together. I locked the door behind us, and we headed outside.

As excited as I was, I knew being a university student would be a huge change of pace for me, but I was determined to focus all of my energy on being my own woman. I wanted to reinvent myself, and this was my chance. This was my time!

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"I have a break between classes around eleven," Calinida stated as we walked side–by–side.

"Yeah? Mine starts at eleven thirty," I replied.

"That's cool, I have enough time for lunch if you do," she suggested.

"Sounds good. I'll see you soon," I said with a smile.

After a few minutes of walking, we eventually had to split up because our classrooms were located in different buildings. I went in the opposite direction, and started searching for a building with the name "Science 1" engraved across the top of it. It wasn't too long before I found the building I was looking for. I checked the time on my cell phone—I had five minutes to spare before the professor would be starting class. I spied the building's entrance, and rushed over to it.

I went inside, and hurried down the hall, beads of sweat formed on my forehead from being anxious. I saved my class schedule as a screenshot in my phone, so I quickly searched for the photo to look up the room number for my class. I frantically began going from door to door, checking for the correct number. After several seconds, which felt more like several days, I skidded to a stop in front of room one–zero–nine. I took a deep breath, and calmed my nerves. I placed my hand on the door knob, but before I could turn it, I heard a female voice call out to me.


I turned around and was awestruck at what I saw. A female, who was unbelievably beautiful, came speed–walking toward me. She stopped in front of me, and hunched over slightly as she tried to catch her breath. Once she did, she stood up straight again and flashed me a kind smile. Our eyes met, and my breath caught in my throat.

"I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's late!" she admitted with an awkward grin.

"Uh, yeah..." I muttered. Her remark hadn't made me feel any less guilty for being late on my first day.

"Well, come on, I'm sure our professor has started by now."

She opened the lecture hall door, went inside, and I went in behind her. The room was full of people, it seemed as if all the seats were already taken! I scanned the room carefully, doing my best to look past the other students, but it was packed! The professor started giving out instructions and I panicked. Suddenly I felt something touch my arm, and I looked over instantly.

"I think I see two seats over there," she whispered.

I don't know what compelled me to follow her, but I did, and I was surprised at myself... We both sat down and started unpacking our bags. Just as I was about to start taking notes, the girl got my attention by tapping my arm.

"Hey, I'm Juliet by the way," the girl whispered.

", I'm Naomi..." I whispered back.

" I whispered back

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