Chapter 21: Numb

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Today was Sunday... My body was heavy, and I felt numb. I stayed in bed, not doing homework, not playing video games...not even eating. All I could think, more like dwell on, was what happened last night... I covered my head with my blanket and curled up into a ball.

Last night. My cousin and her friends had boys to dance with. I was the awkward ninth wheel when Cody finally popped up. I had to admit I felt special, I mean who wouldn't? This popular, athletic guy was actually interested in someone like me! But my gut never stopped me...never gave any alarms that I was being naive.

I should have been smarter. And maybe that's what hurts more... that I was the stupid one for honestly thinking that he was interested in me. How could I not sense something was off with Cody...?! He is supernatural and yet, I sensed absolutely nothing...! Was I really that blinded by the crush I had on him? Was it because Cody just seemed so nice, so...kind? At what point did I let him have control over the situation? Over me...?


I stayed true to my word, and refused to wear a dress. However, Calinida begged me to let her do my makeup, so... I gave in on that. I ended up wearing a semi-casual top with off-the-shoulder sleeves, black leggings, and flats. It wasn't the sexiest attire, but it accented my curves.

"Please try to have a good time, Naomi!" Calinida told me, yelling over the music.

Her, her friends, and I had just gotten to the Frat house. We made our way through the crowd until we found a table with cups and bottles of alcohol on it. There was also a couple of kegs of beer right behind the table. Calinida's friend Sloan got five cups and passed them out to us. I wasn't interested in getting wasted so I opted to fill my cup with beer.

I had finished my whole cup when the others decided to refill their cups with more alcohol. I did my best to stay as close to my cousin as possible, but there were so many people! People who were...sweating! It was so packed I could smell everyone's musty armpits. I almost vomited the beer I just drank. My whole night was going to suck, I just knew it.

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind... Where was Cody anyway? Hadn't he been the one who invited me to this stupid Frat party? I figured I'd check my phone to see if I missed a notification from him, and...nothing! He hadn't called, texted, nothing! If I was being honest, I was annoyed and disappointed, and a little pissed at myself for thinking that Cody would really be into me.

Just when I was ready to just say "forget it", a familiar face came into view. His familiar was Cody! He approached me and gave me a hug. Honestly it was weird, but I hugged him back.

"I'm so glad you came!" he shouted over the music.

"Thanks for inviting me!" I told him politely.

Calinida must have noticed him because then she also greeted him. Of course after realizing who my cousin was talking to, her friends also joined in, greeting Cody with flirtatious smiles.

"Hey, ladies! Looking great!" Cody told them. He flashed a toothy grin, showing his canines... Until then, I never realized how sharp his canine teeth actually were... "So, I hope you don't mind if I take this sexy one off your hands?!" He gestured to me.

My whole body became feverish in an instant and I tried to hide my face a little.

"No! Just make sure she's back by midnight!" my cousin teased playfully and gave Cody a wink.

He nodded before grabbing my hand, and tugged me away from Calinida and her friends.

"I see you already had something to drink?" Cody asked, leaning closer so he could talk at a lower volume. I nodded. "Did you want another?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks..." I answered. I also got close enough so that my voice was at a lower volume.

He pulled back just enough to flash me that smile of his. My heart skipped a heart. As I gazed at him, his hazel green eyes seemed to burn...and they burned bright. Something about the way he was staring at me, it made me feel like I was the only girl at the party. Cody leaned in once more and spoke.

"Then...should we go to my room?"

His voice was deep and alluring, before I could even process my thoughts, I answered him.


But why were we going to his room? That was a stupid question, I knew exactly why, or at least, I thought I knew... Cody was trying to seduce me. He wanted me in his bed...? None of it made sense, and yet I followed him without hesitation...

Once we were in his room, everything came to light. He locked the door behind us and faced me, his eyes smoldering again, but this time, my whole body seemed to be affected by his gaze.... At first I thought it was because of the one beer I drank, however I realized quickly that the beer had nothing to do with it.

Cody Burton had lost all sense of sweetness and kindness in that moment. The way he carried himself was totally different...Last night when I was alone in Cody's room, he gave off an aura that made me shiver, and I became nervous. But for some reason, my feet seemed to be glued to the floor.

I watched as he got closer. He was licking his lips and gazing deeply at the hollow of my throat.

"C-Cody? Are you okay?"

That's what I wanted to ask, but no words would come out of my mouth.


Cody Burton was a vampire. And he tried to make a meal out of me. Vampires had this ability called "manipulation", an ability that renders their victims submissive. I couldn't move or talk last night because Cody was using his powers against me; it felt like I was a puppet.

I should have never given Cody my number! I should have known that even him engaging with me was too good to be true... Now here I was, laying in my bed crying my eyes out. Another wave of emotion hit me and tears fell from my eyes. I wasn't sure how long I was crying, but after a while my phone chimed.

I sniffled as I slinked out from under the covers to reach my phone. It was sitting on my desk. When I saw the screen, I admit I was surprised to see that I'd gotten a new text. But I was even more shocked over who the text was from!

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