Chapter 17: A Dignified Pledge

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This week was rush week. I knew it wouldn't be anything severely harsh or insanely dangerous, like you see in the movies, but I still didn't know what to expect. Thankfully, Trish was pledging right alongside me, so I felt better knowing that I wouldn't be alone. I was currently on my way to the Dining Hall to meet Trish for lunch. We decided to try the Asian cuisine place today, the Jade Leaf

There were so many students in the Dining Hall, it took me a few minutes to even get over to the Jade Leaf, but as I got closer, I saw Trish standing off to the side.

"Hey Trish!" I greeted her.

"Hey girl, hey!" she replied.

We hugged before getting into line to order our food.

"How was class?" she asked.

"It was alright, boring," I answered. "To be honest I didn't really pay attention. All I can think about is the sorority house meeting later."

Triah nodded, "I know, it has my stomach in knots. I'm surprised I have an appetite."

I gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'm nervous too, but we are going to get a bid. Trust me."

The line moved pretty quickly, and we got to order our food. Our food was passed to us over the counter, we swiped our school cards at the register, and then we found a table to sit at. We ate together quietly for several minutes before Trish spoke again.

"Calinida... What if...what if only one of us gets a bid tonight?"

I hadn't thought of that... I would be really upset if only one of us was invited to pledge, but I also would be happy for Trish if it was her. And I needed her to know that.

"Trish, we're both going to get a bid. I know it!"


"But," I interrupted her. "If only one of us were chosen, I would be bummed. And if you were chosen over me, I'd be super happy for you and would still support you in any way that I could."

Trish smiled brightly at me. "Thank you, Cali... And I would feel the same. I would be thrilled for you, but also very sad I couldn't share the experience with you."

Hearing that made me feel good.

"Thanks, Trish."

Trish and I threw away our trash and then left the Dining hall. I had two more classes and then an hour break before it was time to go to the sorority house. I took that hour to go back to my dorm room and try to relax.

The hour flew by, like I expected, and I was headed out the door as my cousin was coming in.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"The Kappa Gamma Nu house meeting."

"Right! Good luck."


Naomi shut and locked the door behind me as I made my way down the hall.


Once we were done with the house meeting, Trish and I walked back to the bus stop. Thankfully it wasn't too long we waited before the bus came, and we headed back to campus. Trish and I lived in different buildings, so we parted ways after reaching campus, and I went to my dorm. Naomi was doing homework, but she stopped when I came in.

"Hey! How did the meeting go?"

"Well, this whole week is 'rush week' for Kappa Gamma Nu. So, I will be focused on doing my best to become a pledge."

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