Chapter 3: Going For A Run

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Before today, I honestly thought my college experience was going to totally suck. Then I met that girl, Naomi...she was a supernatural being! I knew it as soon as I first saw her, when her scent wafted all the way down the hall. That's why I got her attention in the first place. If I wanted, I could have just let her go inside the classroom and then I'd be even more late. But instead, I wanted to view her up close, and her natural smell was alluring.

A mix of earthiness, and sweetness, like vanilla. That's what she smelled like to me, and I found her scent to be intoxicating. Once I got closer to her, I saw that her appearance was much more pleasing than her smell. She was shorter than me, which I liked a lot. And then her body... Holy shit! She was super curvy, with thick thighs that made my mouth water. I forced myself to look away, and then I went into the lecture hall.

I never expected to meet another supernatural being, definitely not here at school, and I couldn't wait to get out of class and talk to her! However, when class was finally over, she bolted out of there so fast that I never got my chance to speak with her. She seemed to be more shy than I was, which worried me. If we were both shy, how were we ever going to have a conversation?!

I wasn't the best with social interactions, and I especially sucked with introductions. Growing up my parents always forced me to introduce myself, but I could never do it on my own. That's why I hated public speaking in highschool, and I wouldn't doubt that I would hate it while I was at college. It didn't help that I was new to the area either. My family had just moved to the city of Sutlow two weeks ago, and I could guarantee that a lot of my peers had known each other from highschool, while I knew literally no one. You'd think that because I hadn't known anyone, and I was new in Sutlow, that I would rather live at home, but I didn't want that.

Even though my family lived close to the University, close enough that I could have to commute, I begged my parents to let me stay on campus. It took A LOT of convincing, but eventually they got tired of my harassment, and gave in. I was ecstatic! But part of me knew I would feel homesick. I was very close with my older brother Benjamin, and it was going to be weird not seeing him everyday. We both had lived at home before I graduated high school. Of course my parents told me I could visit as much as I wanted, and whenever I wanted, but living on campus was an experience I didn't want to miss.

I was torn emotionally. And in the end, my choice was living on campus. But still, I missed my big brother. I pulled my phone out from the small purse I usually carried with me, and tapped the screen. I found the thread of texts between Benjamin and I, then typed out a new message.

Hey Benji! Miss you already lol... And I wanted you to know, I think my experience here is going to be much better than I expected.

I smiled as I sent the text. I put my phone back in my purse, then headed for my dorm room. The temperature was perfect today, and I wanted to enjoy it. I didn't have another class until later that evening, so I wanted to drop my school stuff off, and then go for a run around campus.

Thankfully my room wasn't too far from my first class, so it took me less than fifteen minutes to get there. On my way, I heard my cell chime. I slowed down my walking pace, then pulled out my phone again. I saw that a text notification from Benjamin flashed on the screen.

Hey Jules! Miss you too... And I told you, just stay positive! 🙂👍

His text put a big grin on my face. He was always so encouraging. I put my phone away again and started walking at a normal pace again.


I hadn't realized how elated I was until I reached my room, and saw my roommate, Heather, laying on her bed. My mood changed right away, and I frowned. Not that she could see. She was too busy yapping on the phone, and flipping through a magazine. All I knew about her was her name, and nothing else. We both moved into the dorms over the weekend. Since then, whenever I tried to talk with her, her answers were always short and deflated, like I was boring her. So I stopped trying. Today was no different, she hadn't acknowledged me when I first came in, completely ignoring my existence.

I started looking in my dresser for a pair of sweatpants and a t–shirt to change into. After a few moments, I heard a voice.

"Hey Juliet," Heather spoke.

I was so stunned to hear her voice that she startled me. I turned my head to look at her.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Was she finally going to be nice?

"Can you keep it down?! I'm on the phone!" she scoffed.

I was annoyed. I wasn't even making loud noises. All I did was open and close my drawers. Heather went back to her magazine, and I flipped her off. She was unbelievable! I found something to wear, and decided to change right there in the room. I didn't care if Heather saw or how she felt about it. I put on the clothes I picked out to run in, and put my sneakers back on. I swiped my purse from off my desk, and slung it over my body before storming out of the room. I made sure to slam the door behind me, in hopes of bothering Heather even more. What a bitch. After I got outside, I took a moment to bask in the cool breeze. It calmed my frustration.

I looked around and saw other students hanging out. They all were in groups sitting on the ground chatting, and some were doing other activities. It seemed like everyone had made friends already. And then there was me, who couldn't even get along with my roommate. I bit my lip. That wasn't going to last, I mean I hoped it wouldn't. I would make friends soon enough, right?

I took my phone out, then my headphones. I searched my music playlist for one of my favorite songs before I put the earbuds in my ear and pressed play. Then I started running. I spent my entire run thinking about how I could get some private time with Naomi. All I had to do was muster up the courage to start a conversation... But there were so many ways to do that!

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