Chapter 11: Now, shall we go?

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I had to admit, last night wasn't too bad. Towards the end of the event, the whole gym was filled. I could tell that most of the students had definitely pre–gamed before coming. If the university staff had noticed, they didn't say anything or kick them out.

The food and snacks were okay, nothing special. Although, there were chocolate chip cookies, and I couldn't pass those up because they're my favorite. I really thought the whole night would be pretty boring but then I saw her—Naomi. And she was wearing a dress! A sexy dress. Of course our eyes met while I was stuffing my face with cookies, but hot damn! She looked stunning!

It was hard to fall asleep last night because I couldn't get Naomi out of my head. It felt like I had just closed my eyes when my phone's alarm started going off. I sat up quickly, still half–asleep, and shut off the alarm. Today was Saturday, and I set my alarm for nine this morning to make sure I was ready before my family got to campus.

I got out of bed, gathered my shower things, and shuffled to the bathroom. I didn't even put my hand on the doorknob before a loud shriek sounded from the other side of the door. Obviously it was Heather, and at first I thought she was hurt. I was ready to charge in, but then she began singing off–key.

That was her...singing...?! Another loud shriek sounded through the door again, and I cringed. Yup, that was her singing voice, and it was hurting my ear drums. Wait! She was using the shower and I only had a limited amount of time! I realized. Shit! What was I going to do now?!

Heather forced out another off–key note, and I rested my head against the bathroom door. This was going to be a pain in my ass.

"Hey, Heather?"

She stopped "singing" abruptly and went silent for a moment.

"What do you want, Juliet?! Can't you see I'm trying to shower?!" she snapped.

Yes! I clearly knew you were taking a shower! My bleeding ears would be the proof!

"Yeah... I just wanted to know how much longer? I wanted to shower too..."

"Ugh! Fine! Give me five minutes!"

I decided to go sit on my bed to wait for Heather. I waited, and five minutes turned into ten...then ten turned into fifteen, and I was running out of time! I was pissed and anxious, and that was a bad combination! Finally I got impatient, and was about to go knock on the bathroom door when I heard her come out. She sauntered into our room with a smirk on her face.

"Shower is all yours," Heather said.

But why was she smirking? I wasn't sure, but at this point I didn't have time to care. I rushed into the bathroom, with my stuff squished in my arms, and shut the door behind me. I put my stuff on the back of the toilet, then turned my attention to the shower. Once I turned on the water, I put my hand underneath to check the temperature, and at that moment I knew exactly why Heather was smirking.

That BITCH! She used all the hot water! I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but that would have only wasted the already shortened amount of time I had left! So instead I growled as I stepped into the ice cold water, and spent my entire shower muttering curse words. I was shivering a bit when I was done, but at least I smelled clean.

I raced to dry off, to dry my hair, and to get dressed. By the time I checked my phone, I'd missed three text messages from Benjamin. In the last message he told me they were trying to find an open parking space. Shit, they were here! I said to myself as I hastily grabbed my black combat boots, and slipped them on.

I didn't have the time to style my hair properly, so I pulled it back into a messy bun before I got my phone, room keys, and school badge. I left the dorm room, and locked the door behind me before I sprinted downstairs. I started walking towards the parking lot when my phone began to ring.

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