Chapter 5: Killing Some Zombies

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As the week went by, I got more familiar with my schedule. Most of my classes were standard courses this semester; I had to take four core classes, but I decided to choose two electives as well. Six classes that added up to thirty–five credits, it seemed like I was being ambitious, but I knew what I could handle. Unfortunately, there were no computer programming classes to pick from as a freshman, but I was hopeful for next year.

It wasn't the most popular area of study, but it was what I was passionate about. I loved the idea of creating technology. I wanted to be a computer programmer, so that's what I chose to major in. When I worked with computers I was in control, I controlled the codes and algorithms, no one else. It felt like that was the only time I had control over anything, and I embraced that feeling. Maybe that's why I liked programming so much, maybe it was psychological...

If I wasn't in class or doing something school related, I spent all of my extra time in my dorm room playing video games or reading books. I told myself I would be more social, but my habit of isolation was going to be hard to break, especially when I still hadn't made friends. But I wasn't going to give up, not yet. It was Friday evening, and I was laying on my bed reading a book when I noticed that Calinida was gathering up some of her school supplies. She put the items into her backpack, and zipped it up. I marked the page I was reading in my book, and closed it.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

Calinida glanced at me, "Oh right, sorry! I forgot to tell you, I'm meeting up with some other kids for a study group."

Immediately, I felt a little deflated. She had already met a whole group of people, who I knew would become her friends soon enough! And I still hadn't met anyone! My insecurities crept back into my mind... I was going to be in her shadow all over again! No one was going to see me for who I was or what I was capable of... I swallowed hard and tried to calm myself.

"I won't be gone too long... You'll be fine, right Lovebug?"

I knew she meant well, but I was too upset to see that at that moment.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be? Why would you ask me that?!" I asked harshly.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt guilty.

"Jeesh, chill. I was just making sure you were good," Calinida replied.

"I'm sorry Cali... I hope you have a good time," I told her and flashed a small smile.

She smiled back.

"Text or call if you need anything," she stated.

"You too, and be safe!"

She left our dorm room, and I heard her keys jingle as she locked the door. Shit. I forgot to ask her about meeting any supernatural beings on campus. Part of me felt like if she had, she would have told me already, right? I needed a better distraction than a book after that encounter, so I decided it was time for music and video games. I set up my console and picked out my playlist. I was about to put on my headset when my phone chimed. I picked it up and saw that my mom had texted me.

Hey hun, just checking in. Hope you have a good night. Love you❤️

Her text made me smile, and I felt a little better. I quickly texted her back, so she wouldn't worry.

Doing good, playing video games. Call you tomorrow. Love you too❤️

I put on my headset and went to work on killing some zombies.

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I wasn't sure how long Calinida was gone for, but I must have dozed off by the time she came back. I woke up to the sound of someone talking loudly, and then the smell of something burning hit my nose. I sat up quickly and looked around frantically, still half asleep, thinking it was a fire. I guess I fell asleep with my headphones, and my game controller beside me, so when I moved, both things crashed to the floor. I grumbled as I got out of bed. I picked the headphones, and controller up, then placed them on my desk.

"Stupid popcorn! Shitty microwaves! Why are they all different watts anyway?!" Calinida shouted as she closed the door behind her.

Our dorm room didn't have a kitchen, but out in the hall, where the lounge area was located, there were a few microwaves that were available to the students who lived on our floor.

"Oh no, Lovebug! Did I wake you!? You were sleeping so peacefully!" Calinida exclaimed.

"Yeah, sorta!" I scoffed. "What is wrong?"

"Ugh, I just used the wrong setting for the microwave. I'm so sorry," she apologized. "Thankfully, I didn't set off any alarms."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my bed. Calinida came over soon after, holding a bag of Doritos as she climbed onto her own bed. I guess she was done trying to make popcorn. I checked my phone for the time, it was close to midnight, but since I ended up taking a short nap, I wasn't tired. At least Calinida would be up with me. I could finally ask her about meeting other supernatural beings.

"So, Cali... I had a question. Have you met any other students who are... like us?"

"You mean supernatural?" she quizzed.

I nodded, and she grinned. She had! She had met other supernatural beings!

"Based on your reaction, that's a yes?!"

"Yup! I wanted to tell you as soon as I got back, but you were sleeping," she explained. "And I didn't want to wake you."

"Well! I'm awake now, tell me more!" I exclaimed. I hopped up from my bed and jumped onto Calinida's.

We spent a while chatting about her recent experiences. She told me that the group of kids she met up with earlier were actually supernatural beings, all of them. She explained that some of the beings in her group were older, so they gave her some historical facts about the school. Apparently, Sutlow University had a high percentage of students who attended that were paranormal, and it had been that way for generations. I couldn't believe that I never knew that. Now, I was more hopeful than ever! I was bound to meet another supernatural being, other than Juliet, on campus.

By the time we finished talking, Calinida's chip bag was half empty, and we both were getting tired. We decided to call it a night, and got dressed in our pajamas before the both of us drifted off to sleep.

 We decided to call it a night, and got dressed in our pajamas before the both of us drifted off to sleep

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