Chapter 19: Mary Jane

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I rolled us enough joints to last the rest of the night, and put them all in a separate sandwich bag that I had brought along with me. I wasn't sure Juliet would smoke as much as I had planned to, but I wanted to be prepared just in case.

After helping Juliet with her outfit, we made our way out into the hall. Juliet locked up her dorm room before we headed downstairs and outside. I waited until we reached the parking lot, which took ten minutes to get to, and pulled out the bag of joints.

"Hey!" Juliet hissed and scanned the parking lot quickly. She glared at me with panicked eyes.

"Calm down, calm down..." I replied. "It's fine. It's windy enough tonight that the smell will be carried away from us."

Juliet bit her lip as she glanced around the parking lot again.

"You trust me, right?"

I could tell she was thinking about an answer. Part of me was hurt because she didn't say yes right away, but at the same time, I also knew how hard it was to trust someone... I knew all too well... However, Juliet and I had become so close over the last several weeks.

"Yeah! Of course I do!" she answered.

I nodded, "So trust that I won't let you get in any trouble."

She nodded.

"Okay, good...because my parents would kill me!"

I took out a lighter from my pants pocket and lit the joint. I inhaled slowly, letting the smoke fill my lungs. This would be the first time I had ever been to a Frat party too...and it wasn't just any Frat party. It was a party thrown by the fraternity my older brother was in.

I held out the joint for Juliet to take, and she took it hesitantly.

"Don't inhale too fast," I warned her. "You're a newbie after all."

She nodded and put the joint to her lips. I watched as she inhaled, but she inhaled way too much for her very first hit; smoke came out her nose.

"Too much!" I exclaimed.

She started hacking as I took the joint back. I patted her on the back gently, trying to help, but I only made it worse! Her eyes began to water and she clutched at her chest. I felt awful! After several minutes Juliet was finally able to regain her composure. I ended up letting the joint blow out because I was so concerned for her. She glanced up at me with beet-red eyes.

"J-Juliet? Are you okay?"

"I'm...good," she replied, her voice a little slow-paced.

I grinned. She was definitely high!

"You don't need anymore right now," I chuckled. "I will finish this."

"I can hit it one more time!" she protested.

"Oh, so now you know the terminology?"

She smirked. "Just spark it."

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By the time we got to the Dean's house, Juliet could barely keep her eyes open, and she thought every single thing was hilarious. It made me happy that she was enjoying her first high. As we walked to the front door, I could hear loud hip-hop music. It was booming; there was no way anyone would hear me knocking.

"I'll be right back!" I shouted above the music.

"What?! Where are you going?!"

I walked through the door and opened it from the inside so Juliet could get in. An understanding grin spread across her face and she came into the house. The house was already pretty crowded so I made sure to hold onto Juliet's hand as we made our way through the house.

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