Chapter 30: Reese's Pieces

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It had been one week since the night Juliet and I studied together. That night we'd been sexually intimate with each other. We didn't have actual sex, but we were pretty close to it! A couple days after that event, she and I talked about what each other wanted, in terms of how our first sexual encounter would go. But I had no idea when it was going to happen!

I was too anxious to text or call Juliet and just ask her when it was going to happen. I also felt weird about planning a day for us to have sex. I wanted the act to come natural, but at the same time, not knowing when it would happen was driving me insane!

I was currently playing video games, trying to get sex, and Juliet off of my mind. I hadn't told Calinida about what happened with Juliet yet, I was too embarrassed too. However, I needed advice so, I had to fess up to her, one way or another. My cousin wasn't in our room, but I knew she'd be back soon, and that's when I would tell her.

About an hour had passed before Calinida came through the door. She was on the phone, so I waited for her to finish. I wasn't sure how long I waited, but it felt like forever! The anticipation was a nightmare! Finally, she hung up, and as soon as she turned around to look at me, I spoke.

"We almost had sex!" I blurted.

"Huh? 'We', who?!"

"Who else, Cali?! Me and Juliet!

"What?! Almost?! Why almost?" my cousin implored.

"Because! I've never had sex before! And she's never had sex before!"

"Damn... Well, what happened?" she questioned.

"She stopped us...and then we talked about it... Now I have no idea when we're gonna do it! It's been a week since we've gotten that intimate..."

"Wait, so do you think she doesn't want to do it with you anymore?"

Juliet had made it perfectly clear during our conversation last week that she definitely wanted us to lose our virginity to each other. And that's absolutely what I wanted too...

"No, she certainly wants to, I just don't know when! You know my anxiety doesn't allow for situations like this!"

My cousin chuckled. "Yeah I know, but for the most part, sex isn't planned."

"Yes, Cali, I know," I said harshly. I realized right away that my tone wasn't nice. "I'm sorry... I'm just freaking out over here."

"I know, so, apology accepted," my cousin said curtly. "Now, I get that you are nervous about when it happens, but you won't feel nervous in the moment when it's happening. Especially if this is something your heart really wants."

My eyes widened. At that moment it occurred to me that maybe my cousin wasn't a virgin anymore! Her words sounded so sincere, like she knew from experience.

"Wait...Cali, are you a virgin?"

She shook her head. "No, and as far as you know, I lost my virginity in college."

I gasped.

"Yeah, it was probably stupid of me to give my virginity up so young, but the person I did it with was so sweet."

"Charlie?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yup, Charlie," she said with a grin.

I was in shock, but I still had no solution to my anxiety issue.

"But back to you, you just have to feel out the mood. You'll know when it's about to happen," my cousin told me.

Her and I talked for a while about relationships, and on having sex with your partner for the first time. She admitted she obviously had a totally different take on sex being that her first time was with a male, but she was very helpful with the emotional aspect of it.

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