Chapter 18: There's A First Time For Everything

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It was Friday night. Danny and I were watching a movie in his room since his roommate was out. I was laying on his bed, while he was sitting in a lounge chair he brought with him from home. About halfway through the movie he paused it, which made me look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to ask you something," he replied.

I waited for him to continue.

"Well, my brother Dean—"

"Your brother Dean?!"

"Yeah I have an older brother..."

"Why am I just finding this out now?!"

"Because he and I aren't close, really... I mean, we're not estranged or anything..."

"Well his Frat is throwing their first party of the year tomorrow night and I was gonna go but... I didn't want to go alone..."

I smirked instantly, I couldn't help myself.

"Are you asking me to be your date to a party?"

"Not in that way! I know that you're gay, and so am I."

So Danny was gay! I knew it! My suspicions were finally confirmed! Well partly, I still had to find out if Danny had a legitimate crush on my brother Benjamin.

"Anyway, are you gonna tag along, or not?"

"Absolutely! I would never pass up the chance to see my peers get wasted and make asses of themselves," I chuckled, and Danny laughed along with me.

After the movie I went back to my dorm. Danny insisted on walking me back, which was super sweet of him. I made him promise to let me know that he made it safely back to his room, and he did. Soon after I got undressed, and put on my pajamas, I heard my phone chime. It was a text from Danny, telling me he was safe.

Thankfully Heather was out, probably partying, and I was happy about that. Her presence alone annoyed me. I put my phone on charge, and left it on my desk before climbing into bed. I fell asleep thinking about the party and what it was going to be like... I also thought about Naomi... If only I could invite her to go.

The next day Danny texted me to ask if I would eat lunch with him and I agreed to go. We met up and decided on sandwiches so we could eat them outside. We figured it would be the least messiest food choice. We found a bench and sat down together. Both of us began unrolling the wrapper to our sandwiches when Danny spoke.

"What are you wearing tonight? That is if you're still going...?"

His brown eyes smoldered. Clearly he thought I was going to change my mind.

"Stop that, I told you I was going."

Danny smiled, "Good." Then he took a bite of his sandwich. He chewed a little before speaking again. "So what are you wearing?"

I finished chewing my own food before answering him.

"I have no idea. Jeans and a tee?"

Danny nodded. "Going comfortable, good idea."

"What are you wearing?" I questioned.

"Dark blue jeans, a gray button up, and probably some sneakers..."

"A button up?! This party isn't fancy is it?"

"No, I just don't want to hear Dean's mouth about my usual attire... It would totally kill my vibe."

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