Chapter 29: Official Girlfriends

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"So how is your girlfriend today?" Danny asked me.

It had been several weeks since Naomi and I became official. During that time, Naomi and I had gone on a few more dates off campus, and each one was better than the last! Things were going very well with our relationship, and I was able to balance having a girlfriend with school and Danny. Danny had been very supportive and I was grateful that I had a best friend who was so understanding.

The only other people who knew about Naomi were my brothers. I could have told my parents, but it would have been pointless... They knew I was a lesbian, they just chose to ignore that part of me, like it didn't exist. It hurt that they hadn't accepted that part of me, but I really hoped that one day they would. Currently, Danny and I were just hanging out in my room.

"My girlfriend is doing just fine, thanks."

"Good," he said with a smile.

"In fact we have a study date tonight."

"A study date?"

"We are going to study, Danny."

He rolled his eyes. "You two are so prude," he said.

Danny took a bag of chips out of his bag, opened it and started munching on them.

"We aren't prude! We have a test in Physics that we need to study for!"

"Your professor is giving you guys a test?! So close to final exams?!"

I nodded, and flashed him a look of disapproval.

"That's total bullshit!" he complained.

"I know, right?! Leave it to my Physics professor to make my life just a little more shitty."

"Yeah, you definitely need to study for that!"

I glared at him, "What's that supposed to mean...?! I'm actually pretty good at Physics!"

He burst out laughing, and after a moment I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"I didn't mean it like that, I swear!" Danny claimed.

"Yeah, okay," I scoffed playfully.


Later that night I headed over to Naomi's dorm room. I'd been to her room a few times now so I knew exactly where I was going. I couldn't wait to see her! I mean, of course I just saw her yesterday, but I loved being around her! And when we were apart, I had to admit I did miss her.

Once I got to her building, I went up to the floor she lived on, then knocked on the door to her dorm. Seconds later the door opened, revealing a girl I didn't know. Although, the more I looked at her the more I noticed how much she looked like Naomi. Same facial features, but this girl's eyes were a darker brown.

"You must be Juliet!" the girl exclaimed. "Come in!" She stepped aside gingerly and I went in. This girl had to be Naomi's cousin.

I went straight to Naomi's bedroom, and she was sitting at her desk. When she saw me, her eyes lit up, making my heart soar.

"Hey, Juliet!" she greeted me.


She stood up and reached out to hug me, and I welcomed it, hugging her back tightly.

After we pulled away Naomi spoke again. "Oh! By the way, this is Calinida, my cousin!"

"Oh! It's nice to finally meet you," I told her.

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