Chapter 10: Weekend Fiasco

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I never expected to see Juliet last night, or for her to see me in a dress! Dressing up was Calinida's idea, she thought that maybe it would help with my self esteem, but I just felt like I was overdressed. Wearing dresses, makeup, and high heels was certainly not my scene, so a part of me knew that I was just appeasing my cousin...

Calinida had convinced me to wear her dress, and tried to convince me to wear her heels that night as well, but I refused to wear the heels. Instead, I wore my own pair of black flats that I kept for special occasions. I didn't think the dress was going to fit since my cousin was a few sizes smaller, but the material of the dress was stretchy. Once I put it on, I knew right away that it barely fit.

The dress hugged my curves tightly, but Calinida swore that was a good thing. She told me I looked "hella sexy", but when I checked myself out in the mirror, all I saw was a girl trying to squeeze herself into a dress that was clearly too small for her. However, I went out of my comfort zone—way out—and wore her dress.

It wasn't only the two of us, a few of Calinida's new friends came along as well. Trish, Deedra, and Sloan; they were gorgeous! On top of that, I found out that they were supernatural beings, and their abilities were pretty awesome if I was being honest. Trish was a mage, Deedra was able to become invisible, and Sloan was a shifter like me and Calinida, but her animal was a cheetah—a CHEETAH!

Why had I agreed to go again? Oh yeah, trying to change my social habits, that seemed almost impossible to change! But it was too late now, the five of us were already headed for the university's gym. It was like my body was on autopilot. The five of us entered, there weren't a lot of students there at all, and I had to admit, I was happy about that. However, Calinida and her friends were totally disappointed.

"I wore my new heels for nothing?!" Trish whined.

"I told you this would be a bust," Sloan sighed.

"We can fix this! We HAVE to...! I didn't wear this dress, just to take it back off!" Deedra exclaimed.

"Just chill," my cousin told them. "Keep your heels and dresses on, ladies. I just got a text from Kev, the boys are on their way."

The boys...?! Who were "the boys"?! At this point I was annoyed with Calinida. First, she doesn't tell me we're going with her friends, and now THIS! I hugged myself and looked around the room, seeing faces I didn't recognize, until my eyes laid on a familiar face. She was standing by the food table, her cheeks were puffed out, and it seemed as if she was in mid–chew.

Was that...Juliet...?! But who was that guy she was with? Could he be her...boyfriend...?! I mean it's only been two weeks...! I shook my head, trying to clear my mind. It wasn't any of my business, she and I weren't even friends... And yet, the idea of her being with someone else bothered me.

I wanted to go over there, of course I wanted to, but it felt like my feet were glued to the floor. As we gazed at each other, it seemed like she also wanted to interact, and my heart pounded. Suddenly the lights dimmed, multi–colored spotlights started flashing from above, and the music got louder. Before I knew it, a steady flow of students came into the gym, including the boys Calinida had mentioned.

Four guys came toward us, they were also gorgeous, like models, and Trish, Sloan, and Deedra squealed with joy. Everyone exchanged hugs, except for me, before they all started to mingle. Calinida turned to me.

"Stay close, okay? The crowd is getting pretty big now," she told me, her voice loud so I could hear her over the music.

I nodded. I tried to stay close to her, but once the mass of students started dancing, along with my cousin and her group of friends, I got moved around. I was bumped and shoved, until I ended up on the outside of the crowd. I couldn't see my cousin or her friends anywhere! I gave up and decided to scan the room for Juliet. No luck either... Had she left?

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