Chapter 24: My Playful Little Fox

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I explained to Danny that Naomi and I were having a sleepover; we planned to watch movies and just chill for the night. However, I didn't mention to him that Naomi and I were going to that fountain. After establishing that the fountain and the area around it was just for us, I was choosing to keep it private. I'll admit it was a little odd not telling Danny, but I wanted to be respectful of Naomi and we hadn't discussed telling anyone."

"Oh, I see," Danny said with a smirk.

Naomi's not stupid, she caught on to his implication instantly. She bit her lip coyly as we looked at each other. I hurriedly slapped Danny's arm, making him wince.

"Yes! It's just two girls watching movies and sleeping together!"

Danny held back a laugh. Of course I'd say something like that at a time like this! I screamed at myself.

"I mean, sleeping in the same bed! Not sleeping together!" I blurted quickly, correcting myself.

Danny burst into a fit of laughter, holding his sides like the laughing caused him pain, and to my surprise, I heard the sound of Naomi's giggling.

I wasn't sure if I was embarrassed, unimpressed or if I wanted to laugh along with them, but in response to their behavior I just put my hand to my forehead and sighed.

"Naomi and I will get along just fine. She gets it," Danny said with a smirk.

"Ha, ha, ha... Very funny." I said sarcastically. Then I turned to Naomi with a groan. "Don't encourage him...!"

Naomi gave me the most adorable look of innocence, and I was like putty in her hands. Danny regained his composure and pushed his glasses up his nose.

"Sorry! I couldn't resist!" he voiced. "Anyways, when did you guys want to start your movie marathon?"

She and I happened to look at each other at the same time, both of us knowing we still planned to go out and shapeshift before we watched movies.

"A little later," I replied. "You have plans for the night?"

"I hate to say it, but homework. I'm behind in my language class."

"Danny, you better get your shit together. Finals are coming up."

"Yeah, I know...thanks mom," he retorted with a half grin. "I guess I should go now then. Sorry our time was so short, maybe we can get together again tomorrow? The three of us..."

"Sure," I agreed. Then I looked at Naomi for her answer.

She nodded eagerly. "That would be cool!"

"Nice! Okay then, you two have fun while I'll be drowning in homework... Night!"


"Night!" Naomi said.

I walked Danny to the door and he gave me a mischievous look. He put up the "peace" sign with his fingers, placed them to his mouth, and started flicking his tongue between them. My ears burned immediately and I wanted to punch him! Instead, I shut the door in his face.

I went back to my room, still a bit embarrassed by Danny's gesture. Of course I'd fantasized about Naomi before...but I knew there was no way that she was ready for sex. We hadn't even kissed yet! But I wanted to...I wanted to be intimate with her, I just didn't want her to feel pressured or rushed. My thoughts were interrupted by Naomi's voice.

"Danny seems really sweet, I like him!"

"He's alright, I guess," I said playfully. Then I became serious. "I'm really glad I met him, honestly."

Naomi smiled, and I smiled back.

"So, are we going to the fountain now?" I asked.

Her smile got bigger and she stood up. "I'm so ready for this!"


After getting to the fountain, the moon was already up. Its reflection in the still water was beautiful. I guess after a certain time the fountain was turned off by the groundskeeper, stopping the streams of water it produced.

"It's so quiet out here," Naomi said.

"Yeah... I guess you don't realize how much background noise goes on during the day."

Naomi shuddered a little and tugged on her hoodie, I assumed to keep herself warm.

"Are you cold? We can go back if you want..."

"No, I'm okay... Let's just shift, then I'll be even better," she replied.

I nodded. After several seconds neither of us started transforming. I was confused, was she waiting for me to go first?

"Should I... change first?" I questioned.

Naomi chuckled. "Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't sure what we were doing. I'll go, I don't mind."

As soon as the words left her lips, her eyes started glowing. Her transformation lasted less than a minute. She shrunk, and her clothes became bright reddish-orange colored fur. Her black ears twitched and she swung her black tail playfully. She was absolutely breathtaking...! The way her fur seemed to outshine the moonlight was just incredible! She sat down on the grass and gazed up at me expectantly.

Now it was my turn. I wasn't sure why I felt so nervous, shapeshifting was natural for our kind. To be honest, it had been a while since I last shifted and I missed the feeling of it. I cleared my mind and willed my body to transform. I knew my eyes must have glowed as I started to shrink down. My clothes clung to my body like some kind of tight spandex material for a few seconds before my fur sprouted.

My hands and feet became paws; I could feel the earth underneath them. I wagged my tail briefly before approaching Naomi. Even in her fox form, I could tell she was smiling. She circled me, then stopped to crouch down in front of me. We sniffed each other briefly, then she hopped around, and made this funny noise as she swung her tail. Was she trying to tell me she wanted to play?

She came closer, stood up on her hind legs and put her front paws on top of my back. Before I knew it, I felt my ear being tugged. I barked playfully and she made that same noise again. She took off sprinting, and without hesitation I followed.

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