Chapter 31: Breakfast In Bed

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Two weeks had passed since Naomi and I started having sex, and we loved it! Any time when we were alone, we'd make love, and it was always a fervent experience! Adding sex to our relationship only made us fall faster for each other. We even skipped class a few times just to have sex!

It had also been two weeks since Naomi and I said "I love you" to each other... I was so shocked to hear her say it that day, but my heart was full! When I said it back to her, I truly meant it...I loved Naomi and I never wanted us to break up.

Last night, Naomi happened to sleep over, and currently we were...having an amazing morning!

"Juliet...! Shit...!" Naomi moaned loudly.

I loved to hear the noises of pleasure she made, but I loved the fact that I was the one who made her make those sounds even more! And her taste was indescribable, and I had to admit it was borderline addicting.

It was probably irresponsible of us to get intimate like this so close to Naomi having to go to class—it was definitely irresponsible—but like I said...we couldn't get enough of each other!

My arms were snaked around Naomi's thighs so that my hands were resting on the inside of them. I dug lightly into her skin as I continued to go down on her. She whimpered in pleasure as she buried her fingers in my hair, then tugged a little.

Her action only turned me on more, and I moaned inside. She quivered and tried to pull away from me.

"J-Juliet, I have class..." she breathed. "I'm not even dressed yet!"

I lifted my head up, "I know...but you won't be going anywhere until you've cum."


"Guess you better hurry..." I told her and smirked.

I started licking again, sticking my tongue in as deep as it could go. Naomi let out a loud mewl in pleasure. After a few minutes, she was soaking wet. I stopped licking, and started sucking her swollen bud as I slipped two fingers inside.

I thrusted deep and fast, making Naomi cry out in pleasure. She was so loud, I knew for sure someone heard her, but I didn't care. I was lost in euphoria. I sucked harder on her bud, it was so puffy, and I slipped a third finger inside.

Naomi's body trembled against my hand; I thrusted as hard and as deep as I could. Soon after I felt her walls clench around my fingers, and I knew she was almost at her limit. I stopped sucking and sat my head up.

"You're going to be late," I said breathlessly.

But Naomi couldn't speak, she was too busy writhing around with pleasure. I was very wet myself...I wanted Naomi to please me too, but I knew we were running out of time.

"Cum for me Naomi," I commanded.

"Juliet! Juliet!" she shouted.

I licked her swollen bud a few times, going in circles with my tongue, then she climaxed. Her body shook as she rode out her high, and she released so much it dripped down to my arm.

"Good girl," I said with a sultry tone. I pulled my fingers out slowly, pleasing her more, and she moaned softly.

I sat up fully, sitting on my knees and looked down at her. Naomi was spent, her face was flushed, and she was still trying to catch her breath. I wiped my mouth with a part of my t-shirt and grinned.

"You should get dressed now."

"Shut up..." she replied. "I'm not even sure I can walk right now."

I giggled. "At least you're satisfied and relaxed!"

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