Chapter 32: The Finals

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My first semester was finally coming to an end, and I couldn't wait to go home! However, there were also finals, and end of the semester projects due, which was going to be HELL! Thankfully, only one of my class professors wanted a final project, and the others were preparing for final exams.

Besides going home and finals, the other thing that was stuck in my mind was that I wouldn't be seeing Juliet for two weeks! I'd gotten so used to being able to see whenever I wanted that I was spoiled now! Being away from here was the only downside to the holiday break.

I was stressed about Juliet, so stressed that I couldn't focus on studying for finals. And not being able to focus on something that important in relation to school, was a trigger on its own! I was anxious to the max! It was finals week now, and I hadn't studied for anything!

Up until now, I wasn't slacking off, I mean not really! Maybe I had slacked off a little, but I never imagined I'd be brain dead at a time like this! The finals counted the most toward my semester grades! I had been so busy hanging out and having sex with Juliet that I just... I forgot about my priorities.

It was difficult to admit...but I had to take a break from her, despite not wanting to. And when I say "take a break" I only mean until finals are done. I would never end my relationship with Juliet because I loved her. I truly did and that scared me, but at the same time I wanted to embrace my feelings.

The first step was figuring out how I was going to tell her. I was honestly worried that as soon as I was face to face with her, I wouldn't be able to go through with it. Seeing those blue eyes of hers made me melt.

I immediately thought about Calinida; I needed advice and she was the perfect person, as usual. My cousin wasn't in our dorm at the moment, so I called her cell phone. She answered after a few rings.

"Hey, Lovebug! Sorry it took me so long to answer, doing a project. What's up?"

"Cali! I need advice!"

"On what?"

Despite my frantic tone, my cousin stayed totally calm.

"If I don't take a break from hanging out with Juliet, I'm going to fail my tests!" I rambled. "How do I tell her we need time apart?!"

Calinida sighed into the phone.

"Naomi, I have to be honest, your situation is tough. My initial thought is to just be honest, but I also know that honesty can hurt some people's feelings..."

I was crushed.

"You're no help at all!" I blurted out.

"Sorry! I don't know what else to say! I mean, you can't lie to her, and you can't just not talk to her, so what else is there?!"

I hated that my cousin was absolutely right. I sighed.

"I'll see you tonight..." I told her, completely deflated.

Calinida apologized again before hanging up the phone. I held my cell phone in my hands, totally distracted by my pain in the ass situation. I had to decide if I was going to face Juliet in person, or over the phone.

I paced back and forth for a while, trying to make up my mind. Finally, I decided that I would talk to her in person. It would be stupid of me to try and have such a serious conversation over the phone. I texted Juliet to let her know I was coming over, then I got dressed and headed to her dorm.

Once I got to her door, I knocked a few times. When Juliet opened the door for me, she wore a big smile on her face. Seeing how happy she was made me feel even worse! She must have noticed my facial expression because her smile faded quickly.

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