Chapter 13: Cody Burton

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It had been a week since my family had come to campus for "Welcome Back" weekend. Just as I thought, seeing them gave me a small vacation from my anxiety over my social life on campus. Despite knowing the rest of the semester was going to be a big hurdle for me, I was looking forward to the clubs that I had joined. The video game club would meet on Tuesday evenings, and the anime club met up on Friday evenings.

Last night was the first meeting of the semester for the video game club, and I was anxious to meet the club members since introductions and I were like oil and water. However, once we started talking about actual video games, I was able to relax a bit. All of the club members were kind to me, which was something I wasn't used to. I admit I actually enjoyed myself, and it sucked that our session only lasted an hour.

Today was Wednesday, and the day went by pretty quickly. Though, I noticed that my homework load had gotten heavier, so I was currently in my room, working on it. It wasn't due for a few days, but I refused to let my school work pile up and fall behind.

"Did you even eat today?!" Calinida implored.

I bit my lip guiltily. "Yeah..." Between classes, and trying to get homework done, all I managed to eat was an apple, and I drank a bottle of water. But if I told Calinida that, she'd probably throw a fit.

"You're a terrible liar, Lovebug. You need to eat something," she insisted. "You can't get good grades if you're sick."

That was definitely true...

"I can just eat that last cup of ramen from our stash," I told her.

"No you can't."

I glanced over at my cousin, who was laying on her own bed with her laptop in front of her.

"And why is that?"

"Because it's gone; I ate it," she retorted.

"Fine... I'll have a frozen dinner—"

"Nope, they're all gone too. You must have eaten the last one and don't remember or something because the freezer in our minifridge is empty. We'll have to go shopping, like tomorrow," she answered.

I sighed. No more ramen, and no more frozen dinners, that meant I had to actually go get something from the Dining Hall before it closed. Unless, we ordered take out... I checked my phone for the time, and there was only twenty minutes left before it would be too late for me to buy something at the Dining Hall. Could I make it? I pondered.

"You think I could make it to the Dining Hall and cash out before closing?"

I watched as my cousin peeked at the time on her laptop, and then she sneered.

"Good luck! You know you won't be the only student trying to get their crap at this time of night. All the stoners got the munchies," Calinida chuckled.

Damn...she was right... Twenty minutes was pushing it.

"Just come with me to the cafe. My friends just invited me, and the place sells food."

The only thing I liked from her whole sentence was the word "food". And what cafe was open at nine o'clock at night?! It sounded sketchy to me.

"A cafe that stays open this late?" I questioned.

"Yeah I guess so," my cousin shrugged. "Don't worry, I swear I won't lose you this time."

She grinned. I really didn't want to be around Calinida's friends again, but now, I was pretty hungry, and my hunger outweighed my social anxiety.

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