Chapter 9: What A Dress!

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I couldn't wait to see Benjamin! The weekend event was just two days away now. Technically, it started Friday night, but the activities put on by the school that night were only for the students. The family related activities didn't start until Saturday morning, which meant I would probably have to get up early. However, I sent Benjamin a text asking what time they'd be coming up, just to make sure.

Yo. Text me as soon as you get this. I need to know what time you'll be coming Saturday.

I set my phone down on my desk, then started getting ready for the one class that I had today, which was Creative Writing. If I was being honest, I really enjoyed that class. I got to express myself through a different outlet, other than drawing, and that was very cool. Then, for the rest of the day I was flying solo, at least until later that evening when I had plans with Danny. I had to wait for him to finish class, and he wouldn't be done until closer to eight o'clock.

I had just finished doing my hair when I heard my phone chirp. I picked it up, and saw that Benjamin had texted me back.

Mom said the events start at 11am, which means... we'll be there by 10:30 of course. 👎

I knew it. Who wanted to get up early on a Saturday morning? My parents did, that's who. I cursed out loud as I started packing my messenger bag for class. I grabbed my school badge, and my dorm keys before shouldering my bag. Then, I headed out for class, and locked the door behind.


Danny and I decided to meet up and walk around campus. Originally we were going to chill out in my room, but Heather had people over and it took up too much space, not to mention Heather's friends were also using my bed! I definitely would be changing my bed sheets later, I couldn't trust anyone who liked Heather, they could have some kind of catchable sickness or something.

Then Danny suggested we try his room, but his roommate was a bit too involved with his video games, screaming and throwing things around the room. So we ended up on a walk, we figured that was the best option tonight. As we walked around, we chatted.

"Do you like your classes? Cause' honestly, there's one class I think I want to drop," Danny uttered.

"Actually, now that I think about it, all of my classes are pretty cool," I replied.

"Ugh! Lucky!" Danny scoffed.

I laughed, "The class you want to drop can't be that bad."

Danny looked at me like I was insane.

"Yes, it is that bad!" he exclaimed. "The class is called 'Dragons from The Past'..."

"But that sounds interesting!" I objected.

"Exactly! It sounds interesting! The name of the class is the only interesting thing about it!" he retorted.

I bursted with laughter, and Danny joined in. We laughed for a few minutes before we continued to talk. We opened up a little more to each other, talking about our families, and our experiences in high school. I really enjoyed spending time with Danny. It was so easy to be myself around him, and I liked that. I was going to need a close friend like him while I went to school here, and Danny was the perfect guy for the job.

"So, are you going to any of the events tomorrow?" Danny asked.

"Probably not, but I'll be going to the events on Saturday. My family is coming," I told him.

"Right! So, I don't know if our parents are coming, but I'll still come and hang with you if you want," Danny said with a grin.

"Our parents?" I questioned. This was the first time Danny had mentioned having siblings, and the fact that they went to school with us.

"Oh, yeah, duh. My bad," he chuckled. "My older brother Dean goes to school here too."

"Wow, that must be... annoying," I admitted.

He nodded, "It is... for the most part anyway. Did you want me to come meet your family and hang around with you on Saturday?"

"Yeah, that would be cool... I mean the hanging out part, not meeting my family," I said and rolled my eyes.

"That bad, huh?" Danny asked sympathetically.

"Nah, not really. I mean my siblings are chill... It's my parents, they're a bit..." I told him and shook my head. I couldn't find the right word for the type of people my parents were at that moment. However, Danny seemed to understand me completely.

"Say no more, I get it. Like I said, we don't even know if our parents are going to show up," he said quietly.

I bit my lip. Poor Danny... At least there was a solid relationship between my parents and me. We walked in silence for a few minutes before Danny spoke again.

"Hey so, back to Friday—I hear the school is throwing this party that starts at ten, it's supposed to be set up like a club or whatever. It's called 'Late Night Bash'."

"It sounds lame," I chuckled.

"I know, and the school staff are the ones decorating. I bet it will look like crap! But, free food and drinks! You can't pass that up," he replied with a smile.

He was definitely right about that. Free stuff was great, but free drinks and food was even better!

"This is very true... Alright, I'm in," I agreed.


It was Friday evening, and I was trying to find something to wear to the party tonight. I didn't want to over do it, since it wasn't an event that called for a specific dress code. Besides, I had a good feeling that most of the students who attended Sutlow would not be spending their Friday night at a school function, even if that function was offering free refreshments.

I guess Danny and I were just suckers. I decided I would wear something casual, jeans, sneakers, a plain t–shirt, and a hoodie to tie it all together. My hair was a mess, but I didn't feel like doing it, so I just brushed it a little, and pulled it up into a messy ponytail. I checked myself out in the mirror, and I was satisfied with my appearance. I didn't put on any makeup either, it wasn't like I was expecting to flirt with anyone. I... already had someone on my mind, and so far, she was the only one.

Once I was ready, I grabbed my school badge first, and stuffed it in my hoodie pocket. After that, I grabbed my dorm keys before leaving my room, and then I locked the door behind me. I met up with Danny outside of the school's gym, which was where the party was, and we walked in together.

The music was loud, echoing throughout the huge space. On one side of the room were a few tables that had food and drinks placed on it, and on the other side of the room were games to play. The whole set up felt like a glorified child's birthday party. There were more students that showed up than I expected, but still not enough to fill the gym halfway.

Danny and I decided to raid the refreshment tables before we made our next move. I was stuffing my face with cookies when I caught sight of a pair of great legs, and these legs were coupled with a sultry royal blue dress. I looked up slowly, ogling her body as I did, until I reached her face. I was in total shock... Naomi...?!


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