Chapter 27: The Glass Dream

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I mean, Juliet made my heart race on a normal day, but after I saw how she looked tonight... I was worried my heart would beat right out of my chest! If this was "casual" for her, I could only imagine how gorgeous she looked for a formal event!

She had on a cream colored dress that was sleeveless and flowed down to her knees. There was a thin piece of material attached at the top that tied around her neck, and near her chest was an open space, showing off her cleavage. Finally, she wore her hair down tonight, it looked silkier than ever, and it glowed under the moonlight.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

I nodded. I admit, I was still speechless.

"I figured we could take an Uber to the restaurant."

I nodded again, still unable to form words.

Juliet giggled and looped her arm with mine. "Let's wait in the parking lot," she said.

We walked back through campus, reaching the parking lot minutes later. Juliet tried to make conversation, but I was just a hot mess! I was overcome with nervousness and barely said a word! But thankfully, we weren't waiting too long before our Uber showed up.

We got in the car and the driver drove off. Juliet never told me what we were doing tonight or where we were going, and I was very curious. I guess I didn't realize how curious about it I was until now; I was so caught up in my nerves.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"So you can talk! I thought for a moment you lost your voice," she teased playfully.

I smiled coyly. Before I knew it, I felt my cheeks burn as well... I was blushing!

"S-Sorry I've been so quiet..."

"It's fine...I get it, you're nervous. So am I..."


She nodded.

"You don't seem nervous at all!" I blurted.

She laughed. "I'm nervous... It's just that I'm pretty good with pushing through it."

I wanted to know more about the experience behind her statement, but I didn't push it.

"So, where are we going?"

"Oh, right. We're going to a restaurant."

I raised an eyebrow.

"You'll see when we get there," she told me and grinned.

The drive wasn't too long, but it was long enough to make my anxiety spike again. There was so much going on in my head: what restaurant were we going to?! Was it fancy and expensive?! And also, did she expect me to show affection at all tonight?! Were we... Were we going to have our first kiss...?!

I hadn't realized how long I'd been in my own mind until the car stopped. I looked out the window and to my utter surprise we were at The Glass Dream! Of course she'd choose a place like this! To be honest, I was afraid that she would! This restaurant was upscale, and I'd never been to it before, but I heard that it was spectacular. We got out of the car and entered the restaurant. We walked up to a podium, where a woman stood behind it.

"Hello, ladies. How are you doing this evening? Do you have a reservation?"

"Hi, we're doing great, thanks," Juliet replied. "And no we don't have a reservation."

I was super relieved she took the lead.

"Alright, that's no problem," the host said. "Will it be a table for two, then?"

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