Chapter 25: The Sleepover

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I wasn't sure how long we played out by the fountain, but we had so much fun! By the time we shifted back to our human forms, it was close to eleven o'clock. We walked back to Juliet's dorm with our arms looped together. We chatted and laughed the whole way back.

Juliet was majestic in her animal form... Under the light from the stars and moon, it almost looked as if her white fur was glowing. It was so magical, and I don't mean that as a pun... I felt cheesy thinking about it all, but honestly, I didn't care! Juliet made me feel romantic, she made me feel like I was special.

When we got back to her dorm room, Juliet set up her laptop, and hooked it up to her TV via HDMI cord. Then she found the horror section on Hulu.

"You don't mind if I shower first, do you? I'll leave the water on once I'm done."

"Sure, no problem."

"Sweet. Hey, while I'm showering, you can pick a movie," she suggested.

"Good idea. I'll start looking."

She took out some pajamas, and a towel from her dresser before going to the bathroom. I went over to the bag I brought with me, unpacked my shower stuff, and put it on the bed. I figured a nice hot shower would be nice.

Next, I started browsing through the movies, taking time to read each synopsis. Most of them sounded cheesy, and it seemed like I wasn't going to find anything interesting. Just as I came across a movie that had a decent description, I heard Juliet come out of the bathroom.

I smelled so many aromas when she came into the room; her natural scent, the scent of her shampoo, and the scent of her body wash all mixed together... It made my heart race.

"All done," she said as she dried her hair with her towel. "I left the water running in case you wanted to shower too. I'm sure you feel gross. I know I did."

After she was done, her hair still wasn't fully dry, and...she looked even more exotic with her hair damp like that! My palms started to sweat and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I knew it was only my anxiety kicking in, but for the first time, I actually liked it! There was something seriously alluring about Juliet, something that I wanted to embrace. I wanted to be around her all the time.

I guess I hadn't realized just how long I was staring because her voice brought me back to the present.

"Naomi? Are you...gonna shower?"

"Y-Yeah! I'm going to shower. Thanks." I said clumsily.

I carried all of my things, including my pajamas into the bathroom. I got undressed, then stepped into the tub. I admit it wasn't long before I got lost in my thoughts... Dirty thoughts... While I stood under the water, all I could focus on was what Juliet looked like under her clothes... And moments later my hands ended up between my thighs.

I knew it was the worst time to be doing something like that, but I needed to. After I finished, I quickly washed my body and my hair. I turned off the water, then got out to dry off. I put on my pants and t-shirt, grabbed the rest of my shower supplies, and grabbed my towel before leaving the bathroom.

"Where should I hang my towel?"

"I'll just hang it next to mine for now."

She took the wet towel and hung it over her door beside her own.

"Oh, and I picked a movie since you didn't," she said whimsically. She smirked and I grinned back.

"Yeah, I couldn't decide..."

I was still embarrassed by the fact that I touched myself while Juliet was only a few feet away! I could feel my cheeks burn and I tried to hide my face by putting my stuff back into my bag as slowly as possible.

"Should we turn off the lights?" Juliet asked.

"Turn off the lights...?"

"Yeah... You aren't scared, are you?" she teased playfully.

"What? No, I'm not scared," I stated. And I wasn't. I was nervous! What if she wanted to hold hands, or cuddle, or...kiss! What if she tried to kiss me?!

"Lights off then," she declared.

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So the next day, I was woken up by the sound of someone yelling out in the hall. The walls in the dorms were so damn thin. I opened my eyes to the sight of a peacefully sleeping Juliet. We were face to face, and my heart started racing,

Last night we ended up falling asleep after watching two movies. Thankfully there was no hand holding or snuggling together. I admit it was difficult for me to stay calm at first, laying next to her under one blanket only made my heart beat in overdrive. But once I was finally able to settle down, my eyes got heavy, and I fell asleep.

I guess at some point during the night we turned toward each other. At that moment the urge to pee hit me, and I frowned. I really didn't want to wake Juliet up, but I had to get out of bed. I carefully uncovered myself, then slowly made my way off of the bed.

I was feeling pretty proud of myself. Then suddenly someone yelled again in the hallway, and I cringed. I turned around to see if it woke Juliet up, and it did. She sat up halfway and yawned. I sighed to myself.

"Hey," she said sleepily. "Going to the bathroom?"

I nodded. "Be right back."

I went to the bathroom, washed my hands and face, then went back to the bedroom. By then Juliet was sitting up all the way with her legs crossed indian-style.

"How did you sleep?" Juliet asked. "And sorry if I hogged the blankets." She bit her lip.

"No, no! You were fine! Everything was fine..."

"Oh good. You didn't have any nightmares did you?" She questioned. Her tone was playful.

I rolled my eyes. "No. I slept like a baby," I told her, and put my hands on my hips.

She laughed and she stood up. We were inches apart; I dropped my arms to my sides. My heart stopped, my palms began to sweat, and my tongue went dry. She was just so close to me...! How could she be so calm?! Was she faking it?! Was she pretending to be calm on the outside, but was truly freaking out on the inside?! Because I was clearly losing it!

Juliet smiled. My heart melted and I got this urge to hug her, but I was too nervous to actually do it.

"I had a great time last night. We should definitely do it again," she said.

I seemed to be unable to form coherent sentences, so I decided to nod.

"And... Um..." she trailed off. She finally walked around me, giving us distance. "I...was wondering if..."

When I turned around to face her, she had her back to me. I guess she was nervous? Until now, she never acted shy like this... Juliet spun around and gazed at me.

"Would you go on a date with me?" she blurted.

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