Chapter 22: Our Confession

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Today was Monday, another week had begun, and I was feeling a bit jaded. Though, the text I'd gotten yesterday was surprisingly uplifting. I thought for sure that after what happened Saturday night, Juliet would see me differently...she'd see me as a freak...but instead she invited me to lunch. And despite the fact that I still wasn't feeling like myself fully, I wanted to see her.

Honestly, I hadn't even thanked her for what she and her friend had done for me... I was really sad for the rest of the weekend so I didn't want to talk to anyone, not even my cousin. So, I agreed to having lunch because I wanted to thank Juliet in person—I needed to.

I was a bit slow getting ready for class, but I managed to make it there right as the professor started the lecture. Seeing Juliet sitting in the audience made my heart race...she really was beautiful. I got this giddy feeling as I made my way over to where she was sitting. She saved a seat for me, like usual, and I sat down beside her.

"I got here before you?" she whispered. Then she flashed me a playful grin.

"Pay attention to the lecture," I whispered back, and smirked.

Once class was finished, the two of us took our time putting our supplies in our bags.

"I hope it's okay that we have lunch now," Juliet said.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm free now."

"Great. What do you want to eat?"

That was a good question, and honestly I didn't eat much over the weekend. I didn't realize how hungry I was until Juliet brought up food.

"Definitely pizza."

We left the lecture hall and made our way to the Dining Hall. It was a bit awkward, of course I couldn't find anything to talk about and Juliet seemed to be lost in another world. Part of me was starting to get anxious until Juliet finally spoke.

"Are you okay?"

I was shocked that she asked me that. In hindsight it made sense, but at that moment it felt sudden.

"Yeah, sure... Why?"

"I don't mean right now... I mean, are you okay, Naomi?" she questioned and gazed at me.

Her blue eyes were so serious. She made me feel like she already knew my answer, but she wanted me to say it out loud anyway. I looked forward, no longer able to face her. I wasn't okay...and I wasn't sure when I would be.

"What happened with Cody... Don't let him get in your head. He's a total dick! Has he talked to you since?!"

I shook my head.

"Good... I know I've apologized before but, I'm so sorry that happened—"

"Thank you Juliet...thank you and please tell your friend Danny thank you too..."

Juliet touched my arm gently and we both stopped walking. We just gazed at each other in silence for several seconds.

"You're better than Cody, Naomi... Better in all ways. Please, don't use him as an example of true affection... How he treated you, it's disgusting, and someone will treat you better."

Someone? I thought to myself. The way she said was almost like she knew something I didn't.

"How do you know? How do you know someone is out there for me? I never had a relationship before, so... I don't even know if I'm relationship material...!"

I didn't mean to ramble, but I guess my insecurities had crept up on me.

"Naomi... Of course you're relationship material! You're amazing! You're very smart, you have this personality that lights up a room! You are kind, and you're confident in what you want in life!"

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