Chapter 16: Anime Club, Assemble!

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I sent a smiley face emoji to seem chill, but my stomach was lurching! I was in the same club that Juliet was in! Despite the fact that Cody had appeared in my life suddenly, I couldn't deny that I still felt something about Juliet. I mean I must have, right? It gave me butterflies knowing I would see her more often from now on.

How did I expect to concentrate in class after learning that both Juliet and I joined the Anime club?! All I could think about was her and pulling myself together in order to socialize with her. I threw myself backward on my bed, and my head landed on my pillow. Just thinking about interacting with Juliet made me feel like I was being weighed down by some invisible force. Having anxiety sucked.

My phone dinged, letting me know I had another text message. I immediately thought it was Juliet and sat up quickly to check my phone. When I looked down at the screen, I was surprised to see that the message wasn't from her... It was from him, Cody. And there it was again, that feeling of suddenly being thrust into triangle?! ME?!

Hey Naomi, it's Cody.

I took a deep breath before typing out my reply.


Hope you're doing well. And I hope I'm not interrupting?

I'm doing good, I hope you are too... And no! You're not interrupting.

It was still so surreal to me that someone as popular and handsome as Cody would be giving me the time of day!

Okay, cool! And I'm also doing very well, thanks for asking. Do you remember the party I had mentioned before?

My heart skipped a beat at his question about the party. He still wanted me to go...?!

Yeah, sure 🙂 What about it?

I just wanted to let you know now that it's next weekend. I will text you again once it gets closer if you want. 😜

Just the idea of going to that house party made my skin crawl. I became even more anxious than I was before! I really didn't want to disappoint Cody, but at the same time, I knew what kind of person I was. How was I supposed to survive a giant house party?! I could barely survive class!

Yes, please lol great idea!

See, in a text message, I could pretend that I was confident and excited. But in reality, my palms were sweating and my throat was dry.

Sounds good! We'll talk soon 😉

Why had I agreed to go to this party anyway?! I mean, what was I thinking?! Did I really believe that I could magically erase my mental health diagnosis before the party, or something?! It became too much to think about so instead, I got ready for class.

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Class seemed to end quickly today, and I knew exactly why. I was sweating—I HATE sweating—and I couldn't stop fidgeting around in my seat. Class ending only meant that the time for Anime club was getting closer! What if she wanted to talk to me...?! What was I saying, of course she'd want to talk to me!!

The real question was how was I going to handle the pressure?! I went back to my dorm and unpacked my school things. After that I began pacing, and I paced until Calinida startled me.

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