Chapter 23: At The Fountain

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Over the next four days Naomi and I spent more time together. We would hang out and just talk about everything going on in our lives. We even chatted about the animal forms we shifted into.

At first, she thought I was a wolf because on Saturday night she wasn't exactly in the right state of mind. I would have thought the same thing. I had to explain to her that my family and I were Alaskan Malamutes. In return, Naomi told me that her family could shapeshift into red foxes, which I thought was really dope.

Today we decided to meet up because we wanted to find a place on campus or nearby campus where we could shift without nosey bystanders. So currently, we were hanging outside by a small fountain that was located in between two dorm buildings, looking at our phones.

Naomi was researching locations close to campus as possible places for us to go, while I was looking at a map of the campus.

"We've already been to every place on this map! There's no good spot for us to transform peacefully," I said in frustration.

"Same here," Naomi replied. "The few good locations I came across are kind of far, like we'd have to take the bus... And who feels like doing that?"

"Not me!" I chimed in, and huffed. We were sitting on the grass right in front of the base of the fountain. The structure was high enough that I could lean back, and I did. I was annoyed.

She looked back at me and smiled.


"What about right here? At this fountain? I think if we came later at night, it could work!" she stated.

I thought about it for a moment, and she was right. This area would practically be deserted after nine. I sat up and grinned.

"I'm sold! This is our special spot!"

The way she looked at me caused me to become a bit flustered.

"Our special spot?"

Her cheeks turned pink and she averted her eyes. The wind caused a few of her curls to blow across her face. Without thinking I tucked her hair behind her ear. She glanced up at me and I bit my lip. I knew that she was still shy, regardless of the fact that we'd become so much closer.

"Too much?" I asked innocently.

She giggled, "No... It's fine."

I flashed her a bright smile and she smiled back.

"So...when should we come back to our spot?"

"How about tonight? We can even make it into a thing, like you could sleep in my room. My annoying roommate will be with her boyfriend all weekend," I said.

She bit her lip, but her eyes smoldered.

"Yeah, I'd really like that, Juliet..."


Later that day, around eight, Naomi came to my dorm with a small carry bag. I let her in and showed her to my room. I told her she could keep her bag on my desk chair, since I wouldn't be using it for the next two days.

"Where is your roommate?" she asked.

I shrugged and plopped down onto my bed. "Don't know, don't care."

"Oof, she's that bad?"

"She's worse!" I countered.

"Why don't you go to the housing office and see if you can find another roommate? Sometimes you can switch dorms."

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