Chapter 15: First Text Jitters

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I reached over to my desk, grabbed my cell phone off the charger, and shut it off. Then I noticed the text messages I got from Danny and my brother Benjamin. I answered Danny's text first because he wanted to confirm that we were still on for lunch, and after that I replied to Benjaman, who just wanted to have a general chat.

Today was Friday, and I was glad it was the weekend. I was looking forward to the first Anime club meeting this evening as well. I only had one class today, which was "African–American History: From the Beginning", and that was around three in the afternoon. Since I knew my class was so late in the afternoon, I decided to stay awake past midnight last night and work on some sketches.

Before I met Naomi, most of my sketches were of nature and animals. But now, I found myself sketching human faces instead, well...more like one particular face. Drawing Naomi had become a usual activity for me in the past few weeks, and I had really enjoyed it.

I realized I was daydreaming about Naomi again when I should have been getting ready to have lunch with Danny. I yanked back my blanket and got out of bed, then I found something to wear. I decided I wanted to take a shower, but I had to be quick.

Once I was done, I got dressed and brushed my hair before styling it. I parted it down the middle, and pulled both sections of hair into buns that rested on my neck. I finished my look with a pair of black boots and I was all set.

I put my phone, and badge in my purse before hanging it on my shoulder, then I left the room. I locked the door and made my way to the Dining Hall to meet up with Danny.


"Did you finish your homework for your African–American History class? I know you said you were struggling with it last night," Danny said right before he took a bite of his taco.

I shook my head and finished chewing before I answered. "Yup. Finished being the key word, I don't know if any of it is right."

He chuckled as he chewed the food in his mouth. While we continued to eat, Danny's phone went off. He took it out of his pocket and a huge grin spread across his face. It made me curious.

"Who is that?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.


"I asked, who was it that just texted you..."

"Oh!" Danny replied with an awkward chuckle. Then he got this mischievous look. "I will tell you who it is, but you have to do something first."


"You have to text Naomi."

At this point, Danny knew that I had this MAJOR crush on Naomi. He knew how much I wanted to get closer to her, and he knew that Naomi was also a supernatural being. Her and I had exchanged phone numbers a few days ago, but neither of us had texted the other yet.

"Seriously? Forget it then, I don't care that much about your stupid text..." I lied and frowned.

Danny laughed. "You know you suck at lying."

I folded my arms across my chest and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Fine. Whatever. I'll text her!" I declared. My words sounded confident, but I was a ball of nerves. What if this whole time I was wasting my efforts...?!

I pulled out my cell phone and scrolled through my contact list until I found Naomi's number.

"What do I say?" I asked.

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