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I was very happy to know that I'd officially and successfully made it through my first semester at Sutlow University! I couldn't stop thinking about it. I passed all of my exams, and did well on my final project! I had to admit, I was pretty damn proud of myself!

On top of that, I felt like the experiences I had, made me stronger. In the midst of my failed attempts at a social life, somehow I managed to break out of my shell just enough to meet some new people, and make a couple friends.

Which leads to the next thing I couldn't keep my mind off of...I definitely missed Juliet! Don't get me wrong, I was very happy to be home with my parents and family, but boy did my heart ache for her.

Unfortunately, I had to wait until January to see Juliet again, but during the holiday break we video chatted every day. Of course it wasn't the same; I could touch her or kiss her...but I guess it was the best alternative.

My parents couldn't stop gushing about the fact that I was dating someone. I played it off like it was embarrassing, but deep down I was extremely grateful to know that they accepted me for who I was, and that they supported me! They were also super proud of all that I accomplished over the past few months, including my final grades!

Life honestly felt like it couldn't get any better! Even with my anxiety, I felt more relaxed than before, and Juliet was like the yin to my yang. Being her girlfriend just felt right in every way. I was happy, and it was genuine! I wanted to hold onto that feeling for as long as I could, and I'd planned to.

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First day back on campus.

I was anxious, of course, but also eager! I couldn't wait to start the new semester, with a new set of classes. And obviously I was super excited to see my girlfriend again!

Calinida and I had moved our stuff from home back into our cozy dorm room, with the help of our family. After they left, my cousin and I went back to our bedroom to finish unpacking. It really felt like we came back to campus with so much more stuff than we left with...

While I was making my bed, my phone went off, signaling that I had a new text message. I grabbed my phone off of my desk and looked at the screen...my heart fluttered when I saw who the text was from.

Hey! I just got settled... Do you want to hang out?! 🥰

I couldn't type out my reply fast enough; my thumbs buzzed across the screen!

Definitely!!! ❤️😘

She replied seconds later.

At the fountain?

I grinned. I should have guessed that she'd suggest meeting there. I replied right away.

Yup! See you soon!

I put on my sneakers as quickly as I could, grabbed my phone, my keys, and my school I.D. card.

"Where are you going?" Calinida asked.

I opened my mouth to respond, but she cut me off.

"Wait, let me guess...you're going to see Juliet, right?"

I nodded excitedly, causing my cousin to laugh.

"See you later then," she told me.

"Later!" I called out to her as I dashed out the door.

I practically ran to the fountain...our special spot. When I got there, Juliet was nowhere to be seen...I was probably a bit early. After a few minutes, I saw her walking toward me. My heart stopped and my stomach had butterflies.

"Naomi!" she exclaimed as she got closer. Then she smiled from ear-to-ear.


We embraced each other, holding on tightly. She caressed my upper back as I buried my face in her neck. Once we pulled apart, we shared a passionate kiss, and then pressed our foreheads together.

"I'm so happy to see," I told her.

"I'm happy to see you too."

We sat down on the cement edge of the fountain, and held hands.

"You ready for our second semester?" she asked.

"Yup. I think so," I replied. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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