Chapter 26: Hearts In Overdrive

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I was stunned. So stunned my jaw dropped. Did Juliet just ask me out?! All of a sudden my legs felt like jelly, and I was so flustered that my entire body became feverish! Even my ears were burning a little!

Yes! My answer was "yes" without a doubt, but no sound came out of my mouth.

"I'm...I'm sorry, is it too soon? Am I moving too fast? Just forget I said anything..." Juliet rambled.

I was going to lose my chance to go on a date with Juliet because of my social anxiety! I refused to let that happen!

"Yes!" I exclaimed. Actually, it was more like I practically yelled at her. I bir on my bottom lip anxiously. I felt like a fool...

"R-Really? You wanna...go on a date with me?"

Did Juliet not realize how amazing she was? I mean, on what planet would anyone decline to go on a date with her?! A grin slowly spread across her face as she seemed to process what just happened.

"Yeah...I'd love to go on a date with you," I told her, then bit my lip shyly. And I'd meant it. Going on a date with Juliet was going to make me a nervous wreck, but my heart was settled on going.

"Is tonight good?"

"Tonight?!" I implored.

"We can wait! We can totally wait—"

"Tonight is fine," I cut in. "Tonight is...great."

Being around Juliet was like a drug...but not in an obsessive least, I didn't think so. She made me feel good about myself, just by being herself. I somehow felt lucky to have her attention, and it's different from Cody. Getting his attention was like winning an award. Having the attention and being wanted by Juliet was oasis of happiness. An oasis that felt eternal.

I never thought I'd ask this question, but Juliet was important to me, and I wanted to impress her. "What... What should I wear?"

She was surprised at first, but then her expression changed, and it seemed like she was thinking.

"That's a good question... Nothing too fancy! Just wear something casual, I guess," she answered.

Casual?! What did that mean?! Did that mean jeans and a nice top? Or did that mean like some slacks with a fancy top?! But wait—Juliet said not fancy! I almost went into a panic attack, but then I remembered I knew the best person to ask for clothing advice! In fact, she was my cousin!

I nodded.

"Sounds good... Where should we meet? What time should we meet?"

She grinned, "The fountain? Let's say seven?"

I smiled back.

"The fountain at seven. I'll be there."

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After getting back to my dorm room, I put away the stuff that I'd brought with me. Calinida wasn't there so I assumed she was out with her friends or doing something for her sorority. I pulled out my phone clumsily, still jittery from the anxiety I was feeling about going on an actual date with Juliet, then dialed Calinida's number.

She picked up after a few rings.

"Hey Love Bug!"

"Cali! I need your help!" I blurted out.

"What?! What is it?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!"

I realized that my cousin mistook the hysteria in my voice as me being afraid.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm fine... Well, sorta..."

"Sorta?! Do I need to come back to our dorm?"

"No, no..." I told her. Which was a total lie! She needed to come back to help me put together an outfit!

"You don't sound convincing at all."

"Okay, so, Juliet asked me out on a date—" I managed to say before Calinida shrieked in my ear.

"A date?!" she gasped. "And let me guess! You need my help choosing something to wear?! Yes, of course I'll help you!"

"Thank you," I replied.

"And you said I didn't need to come back, pfft," she said whimsically.

It took about fifteen minutes before my cousin came bursting through the door. She was clearly excited about my request. Calinida started rummaging through her clothes and mine, in attempts to dress me up for tonight.

After trying on several outfits, I decided on one. And Calinida highly approved of it. I was wearing a red blouse that had lace on the top half and there was a bow near the hem. My leggings were made of faux leather and hugged my legs. To be honest, I actually felt pretty hot! Dare I say, sexy even! The leggings really accented my curves, and the blouse showed off my hour-glass figure.

Calinida did my make up and my hair for me to finish off my look. And I decided to wear a pair of black boots.

"Naomi...You look incredible!"

I blushed.

"You're just saying that..."

"No, really! You look gorgeous!" she exclaimed. Calinida paused briefly, then talked again. "I mean, you're gorgeous regardless, but right now you look...amazing!"

"Thank you, and thanks for all your help," I said with a grateful smile.

"It was my pleasure! Please text me when you can! And I want details later tonight!"

I chuckled and nodded. "Okay, okay. I will."

It was close to seven by then, so I got ready to go. I grabbed everything I needed before hugging my cousin and leaving our room. I was so nervous that I began sweating pretty hard! I did my best to calm myself down because I didn't want to sweat so badly that I started to stink!

As I made my way to the fountain I kept reminding myself to take slow, deep breaths. I didn't realize I was walking so fast until I could see the fountain a few feet away. Damn! I was here already?! The nerves I'd just settled spiked again, and I thought I was going to go into full panic mode.

The closer I got to the fountain, the easier it was to see that someone was standing on the other side of it. It had to be Juliet... As I walked over to her, she noticed me, and she gave me a big smile.

Seeing her put my heart into overdrive...

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