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Stephen has always been a morning person , it wasn't a problem when he was a talented surgeon and had a big apartment for himself. But itw as now that he was living in the sanctum with two other people. Luckily for him, Wong was also a morning person, he got this habit since he set foot on Kamar-Taj and became the librarian of the mystical city. But you, on the other hand, hated morning.

You expressly warned your two sorcerers of roomates not to do some things in the mornings to prevent the perfect living conditions of the place. You didn't like to be woken up by someone, and especially loudly.

That's exactly why Stephen bargged into your bedroom every morning, slamming the door open and singing you a good morning at the top of his lungs before walking away like nothing happened. And the second thing you tried to prevent them to do was talking to you before you had the time to completely be awake and aware of your surrounding, which if you read well what happens every day wasn't being respected. The sorcerer supreme thought that he was above everything and you would damn well prove him wrong.

This morning, Stephen had guests coming over and obviously when they arrived at the sanctum you were the only one of the sorcerers not to be there. Those guests were the one and only Avengers.

After exchanging greetings, he looked at the stairs leading to the bedrooms like there was any possibility that you could appear.

Then he looked at the cloak.

« Go wake her up and don't go easy on her ! »

The cloak left Stephen's shoulders and flew over to your room under the eyes of the mightiest heros before Stephen led them to his office.

« My other colleague will be there soon »

There was only a few meters separating the group to the room they were walking to. A scream pierced the silence making everyone go into « ready to fight » mode.

« Don't you worry about this » Stephen said

He hurried the Avengers toward his office and made them entered the room as quickly as possible

He then turned to Wong

« Don't let her in. I think she will be in a worst mood than usual » he said before going in and closing the door behind him.

Wong stood in front of the door, blocking the path with a anxious expression on his face. He was a sorcerer but it dosen't mean that he wasn't scared of your reaction.

The cloak of levitation was holding you above the ground by your ankle.

« What's your problem you stupid piece of clothing ! » you yelled.

She instantly released you and you collided with the floor in a loud thud you saw her floating out of the room before the pain flash in your body. Letting out a groan you decided to stay like this, sprawled on the floor of your bedroom and try to calm yourself and also let the pain subside. That damn magician and his equally damn cloak. He will pay for all those horrible mornings and this time he will regret it !

You got up and grabbed some clothes and put them on as quickly as possible before exiting the rooms in angry steps.

Walking straight to Stephen office, knowing that he would obviously be there because he wanted to give that mystical vibe of being the sorcerer supreme.

After rounding the corner you saw Wong standing in front of the door in the distance but that didn't stop you. When you arrived in front of him you stopped yourself at a few inches from his face. He tried to keep a neutral expression but you could see a drop of sweet lingering on his forehead.

« Let me in, Wong. Please »

The librarian swallow loudly and nodded his head « no ».

You put your hand in your pocket and took out a hundred dollar bill.

« If you let me in I'll give you this » you said and agitated the bill in front of his face. « Imagine it, you could have all the sandwich you'd like » you were taunting him, a devilish smile playing on your lips.

Wong looked between you and the bill and he sighed.

« Deal »

You gave him the bill and he stepped aside letting you full access to Stephen's office.

Placing yourself right in front of it you kicked the wooden door full force, it opened easily under your blow. The loud noise of the door cracking open startled everyone inside. Without caring about that you grabbed the old, round door handle and ripped it from its place. You looked at Stephen sitting in his armchair and threw the door handle right at his head. The sorcered tumbled back and fell over on the floor under the shock, taking the chair in his fall. You walked in to the room and straight to him. Bending down you grabbed his collar and lifted him up to your level.

« I'm warning you for the last time, Strange ! If you wake me up again, you or your damn evil relic I'll kill you, understood ? »

Stephen just smiled and you let him fall on the ground with any care and turned around.

You were now face by a big blond guy holding a hammer in his hand. It didn't scare you and you still went up to him and when he didn't move out of your path you simply grunt and make a move like you would hit him and he stepped back a scared expression washing over his features. Content with you actions you walked to the door and before stepping out you turned again to your roomate and his guests.

« I'd like silence, please. It would be regrettable for me to come back» you threaten and point your eyes with two of your fingers then point it to them to add a little bit more to your threat.

Walking out the door to go back to bed you wished for you outburst to at least offer you quieter mornings and someone might have heard you because from now on your morning became too peaceful to be true.




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