something to love [D.S]

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Dr. Strange Supreme x Apperentice Reader

Info: as his world fell, stephen did not stop. he had nothing to lose and so he traveled searching for a way to reunite with the woman he loves. he didn't plan on taking on an apprentice but here he was, sharing his plans with another.


After the universe fell around Stephen and The Watcher left, he was left cold and alone. He screamed, cried, begged but for nothing it would seem, as he stayed alone in the prison of his own making.

For a long time, he was uselessly doing nothing and slowly going mad. Or rather madder.

When finally the madness brought him thoughts. Ideas.

What if... he thought to himself.

In another universe a young woman was training to become a sorceress.

Or she rather stumbled through the path leading to becoming a sorceress, as her shyness and clumsiness were not helping.

She mostly spent her time in the library, reading books and gathering knowledge as her practical magic was a bit of a joke. At least that's what the others are would call it.

"Miss Y/L/N" the librarian said, walking over to her table "Please return tomorrow, you'll learn nothing useful at this hour"

Looking up she blushed, realising that it was way past the time she anticipated to finish.

"Oh! Sorry! I-I'll just finish this chapter and I'll go. I promise" she uttered, embarrassment causing her cheeks to turn even darker.

The librarian nodded and returned to their desk, to silently watch over the library.

She awkwardly smiled at the librarian before returning to her book, wishing that her knowledge would finally help her master the practical spells. Help her stop being so useless...

Halfway through the chapter, something happened. As she was reading about warnings resulting from using the spell, there was a quite sudden and loud bang that echoed through the library.

She jumped in her chair and turned to look towards the librarian only to see them be sucked in by someone.

Her blood went cold and hot in a matter of seconds as she stood up, bumping into the chair and table she was using. She created shields in front of her hands, which were flickering in and out of existence as she trembled in fear watching the man now look at her.

The man was tall. Ridiculously so. His black hair tainted with silver strands on his sides, revealing his mature age. His intense blue eyes blood shot and boring their way into her soul as the dark circles underneath them made them pop out more. The dark robes he wore made his sickly white skin stand out along with the purple cloak that swayed gently as he moved.

To summarise. The man looked dangerous.

Snapping out of her dazed state, she took a step back saying "S-Stay back! Or I'll-"

The man cut her off as if he was bored of her, rolling his eyes "Or you'll what? You can't even keep your shield steady. You're nothing but a bug in my way, so step aside or I'll crush you like one"

In honesty she knew that the man was right. She was only an apprentice, what could she do to him? Kick him in his shin?

A bit resigned she lowered her hands, causing her shields to crumble miserably.

Right away the man walked past her, saying to himself "Finally someone with a half working brain..."

She stared after him "I-"

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