Haunted Dream [D.S]

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This is your tunic👆👆👆

This is your tunic👆👆👆

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Coffee. That’s all your mind was set on getting, and you groggily made your way down the stairs to get to it. You could smell it already, even though you hadn’t started making it yet. Your body wouldn't be able to function without it, it had become your lifeline nowadays. With a cosy throw blanket still wrapped around your shoulders, you started the coffeemaker after fumbling for the button several times.


You were too tired to overreact to the sudden voice. Stephen’s abrupt appearance made you put on a fake smile and let out a small grunt in response. He must have gotten up early.

“You alright?” He asked, now making his way towards you with his long strides.

“Sure.” You replied, but by the sound of your voice he could tell you were lying.

You were having trouble sleeping lately, and last night was the worst it had been since it started roughly a week ago. Nightmares were becoming frequent now and you had no idea why. They were all revolving around a theme, similar every time, something was always watching you with these piercing glowing eyes. You hated it, waking up in cold sweats and wanting to cry some nights. And when you tried to stay awake to avoid the nightmares, it wouldn’t end well either, some type of paranoia overcame you. You still felt like you were being watched, even outside of the dreams at night.

“What’s wrong?”

You stumbled and found yourself dozing off, you tried to shake it off to answer his question, “I just haven’t been sleeping well.”

“Worse than me?” He chuckled, “Worse than my late studying.” You laughed, it was true that Stephen often stayed up to study and read, and he was too stubborn to go to bed when told to. But you caught yourself and stopped chuckling, your tiredness wasn't funny.

He shifted closer and wrapped his arms around you. Burying your face in his chest, you sighed in content. You could fall asleep right here, the only place you felt safe was in Stephen's arms. He gently planted a soft kiss on your temple, his lips lingering for a few seconds longer.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" He asked quietly, in fear that any sound louder than that would upset you.

"I'm not sure, not much."

"You could go back to bed you know. Try to get some more sleep."

"No," You replied simply, "I have a few things to do, coffee will keep me going."

"Alright, just don't hurt yourself." He kissed your forehead for good measure, to let you know that he was their if you needed him.


Stephen knew what he was looking for, but didn’t know if the Sanctum’s library had anything on it. Despite his doubts about that, he kept searching. If he was desperate he could ask Wong or go to Kamar Taj and see if he could find anything there. But he wasn’t good at asking for help, although if that is what it took then he would do it.

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