What Did They Do? [D.S]

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Imagine you dead in the car crash with Stephen


“What did they do?” He asked, his voice shaking slightly as he looked at his once beautiful hands suspended in front of him.

“They rushed you in a chopper. But it took a little while to find you. Golden hours for nerve damage went by while you were in the car. [Y/N]….Stephen, she didn’t make it.”

“What did they do?” His voice more broken then before as he drank in the sight of his hands, the scars, the cast.

“They tried everything they could, by the time they got there she…”

“What did they do to me?” tears building in his blue-green eyes as Christine exhaled slowly, still mourning the death of a friend.

“11 stainless steel pins in the bones. Multiple torn ligaments. Severe nerve damage in both hands. You were on the table for 11 hours. Look at these fixators. No one could have done better.”

“I could have.” He whispered before Christine looked down at the sheet, knowing he was completely unphased by your passing

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“But this isn’t medicine anymore. This is mania. Some things just can’t be fixed. Life without my work…” He screamed through the empty apartment as Christine stood there, not even surprised by his behavior.

“Is still life. This isn’t the end. There are other things that can give your life meaning.”

“Like what? Like you, or [Y/n].”

“Now this is where you…”

“No Christine this is where you leave.”

“How did she ever love you? You are nothing but a self-centered asshole who doesn’t even realize that you lost the biggest accomplishment in your life.”

“My hands… I already know that…”

“Do you even miss her?” She asked, yet her question was greeted by silence and after several moments of it all she could say was, “Fine.” before grabbing her purse, and starting towards the door. As she stood with it open she saw him standing in front of his window, looking at his shaking hands. Before slamming it however she called, “ Goodbye, Stephen.”


He stood in the Sanctum, looking out over the city. The sky was a faint color of lavender, mixed with hints of pink, orange and blue. The sun hidden behind several of the skyscrapers, as the breeze carried several crisp leaves along the concrete. However as he looked his mind was wandering, particularly to a place where your memory still lived, your smile still shone, your laugh still echoed. His heart fluttered at the thought of you in shorts and his sweaters, figuring out what lesson to teach your students next, your hair hanging in a ponytail as you pouted slightly. Then he thought of how you looked that night, in your fancy, new gown he had bought you, which concealed your converses perfectly. He thought of how your skin felt beneath his hands as he peppered your shoulder with a kiss, before looking at your smile in the mirror.

He thought of how he never said he loved you that night,

He thought of how you told him to slow down,

How you told him to ignore the call,

How the last thing he remembers hearing before blacking out was your scream,

How he would never see your shining smile again.

and he wiped a tear from his eye, as he wished for nothing more then to go back and tell you not to come with him, or that he loved you at least one more time.

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