Day off 4 Miss Lovely [D.S]

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Warning: ultra fluff, sweet, reader sick, cuddle, cute

Well this one for you guys, i hope you guys love it after all those chapter that i make ✌mostly ✌angst... Anyway this one kinda same with 'Day Off 4 Mister doctor' chapter huh? But this time let the doctor take care of you. Byee!

Doctor Strange x sick reader

Balancing a bowl of hot chicken soup on a tray, Stephen tilted his head slightly towards the door slightly, urging the cloak that floated next to him to open it, his hands full

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Balancing a bowl of hot chicken soup on a tray, Stephen tilted his head slightly towards the door slightly, urging the cloak that floated next to him to open it, his hands full. It turned to face its back to him, upset at being commanded around, rolling his eyes frustratedly, he sighed, “can you please open the door, she’s really sick and I’m worried”. Begrudgingly, the floating piece of velvety material raises one of its edges to turn the worn bronze handle, opening a pathway into Stephen and (Y/N)’s shared bedroom.

Careful not to spill any of the burning hot liquid, he sat the tray on the bedside table, bending to sit by the edge of the bed watching her as she slept. Her arms were strewn above her head, her chest rising and falling softly, hair spread around her head with some stray strands falling over her eyes, which were crimson edged, his like her nose while her lips appeared dry and cracked. Frowning at the way an illness could dampen her usual radiance, reaching out to push a few strands of hair out of her face, before trailing his hand down to stroke her cheek gently with his thumb, coaxing her from sleep.

She stirred for a bit before her eyes fluttered open, lips curving up into a grin as they focused on her sorcerer who was gazing down lovingly at her, “good morning, darling”, she croaked out, throat sore and scratchy, looking past him at the cloak that floated around the room anxiously, “thank you too cloak”. Taking that as it’s que to leave the scarlet cloak, fled the space, leaving only a swish at it’s wake, earning a weak giggle from the woman lying amongst a mountain of pillows.

“More like good evening, (Y/N)”, he smiled sympathetically at her, moving to grasp her hands in his, tugging tenderly at them to help her reposition herself, “come on darling, you have to sit up and have something to eat”.

Leaning some of her weight on him, she forced her body into a sitting position, reaching to pull the tray onto the lap, before her hands were swatted away by Stephen’s , making her gasp in shock.

Lifting the ceramic bowl into his own arms, he dipped the spoon in, gathering a large amount of vegetables and chicken along with the soup, nervously stammering, “It’s— I just— You always end up taking care of me, I just wanted to take care of you this time”, he finished holding it up for her.

Her expression softens into a smile at his explanation, gratefully eating from the utensil that he had in front of her, causing him to mirror her grin, as he continues scooping the now warm broth and place it into her mouth tenderly, making sure not to spill any on the bed sheets.

As she swallowed the last spoonful, he found that a little bit of it had trickled down the edge of her mouth. Reaching out, hooking the edge of his sleeve on his thumb to wipe it away, making her grin lopsidedly at him, “thank you, love”, her voice a little nasally from a stuffy nose.

She yawned, raising her arms up above her head, stretching her whole body, making the man who sat at her side chuckle, “I suppose it’s time for you to get back to bed”, putting the bowl back onto its tray, gathering the edges of the comforter to tuck her in.

She whined in reply, “what already? I’ve only been up for like an hour”, adjusting her body to lay flat, with her head upon a pillow freshly fluffed by the sorcerer who stood ready for her very beck and call.

As she snuggled back under the covers, that enveloped her body, trapping warmth with her so that she could comfortably be coaxed to sleep, she removed one hand from comforting warmth to interlock it with her boyfriends, softly squeezing it, promptly letting go to cover her nose as she sneezed, retrieving a tissue from the box that was situated strategically on the bedside table. “I would kiss you, but I don’t want to pass this horrid virus on to you”, she exclaimed to him throwing her hands in the air only for them to land amongst the multiple throw pillows that surrounded her face.

“It’s fine darling”, he chuckled softly, as he readjusted her pillows one last time, pulling the covers up so that they covered her up till her nose, leaving only her eyes and hair visible, “I can still kiss you”. Pressing her tender and sweet kiss to her forehead, as he stroked her cheek gently, causing her to close her eyes and hum contently, slowly drifting of to sleep once again, feeling safe in his comforting presence.


Boom! I told you this one the sweet and lovely chapter.

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