Deep Water [S.H]

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The pool closed at 8 p.m. You and Sherlock arrived half an hour later. Of course, nothing was stopping you from investigating the poolside murder during opening hours. But Sherlock opted to wait till after closing time. Something about there being no officers from the Yard in the way and therefore ‘no excess stupid.’ Not that you needed any convincing anyway.

After jumping a fence and picking a few locks, you and Sherlock were in. Breaking and entering was a surprisingly simple task when you knew what you were doing.

The stench of chlorine was thick and burned your nose. The light reflecting off the surface of the water cast the room in a dim blue glow.

You kept close to Sherlock as he examined the crime scene. Of course, the body had been taken away but he could always get access to that later. He needed to familiarize himself with where the crime took place in order to figure out how it had happened.

He had just begun to voice his deductions when a loud crash sounded from the other side of the pool.

Sherlock’s eyes fixed on the sound’s origin. “They’re here.”

“Who?” you asked, inching closer to the detective. Your nerves were shot.

“The murderer.” Sherlock’s voice was quiet. “He’s either back to hide evidence or he hasn’t finished the job.”

“Fantastic,” you murmured.

You both crept along the edge of the pool, eyes fixed on the opposite corner.

Your heart leapt into your mouth when a figure burst from the shadows. Three gunshots rang through the air, luckily none of them hit their mark. The suspect, realising his attempt was in vain, chucked the weapon into the water before running for the exit.

Sherlock took off at a sprint with you faithfully in tow. You struggled to keep your purchase on the slippery surface of the pool’s floor but you managed. The ‘never run at the edge of the pool’ rule you’d heard your entire childhood was playing on repeat in your mind, but you kept your priorities straight. You and Sherlock were gaining on a suspected murderer.

As you rounded the corner of the pool, karma reared its head at its opportunity. And it took it.

You lost your footing on the wet floor and before you could process much else you were completely submerged underwater. A sharp pain shot through your head as you entered the pool and you barely registered it as your head hitting the sharp corner. You instinctively inhaled both in shock and in a growing need for oxygen. The water that travelled down your throat and entered your lungs came as an unwelcome shock. You blindly clawed at the space around you, desperately attempting to find your way back to the surface. But the white-hot pain in your skull was gradually spreading, your already blurry vision beginning to fill with dots. The terror melted away as your mind went numb.

Your trashing stopped, arms and legs going limp, no longer willing to take orders from your concussed mind. The remaining air slipped from your lungs and escaped from your mouth in a flurry of bubbles, your last lucid thought before losing total consciousness being Sherlock.



The loud splash immediately caught Sherlock’s attention, sparing a glance backwards and grounding to a halt when he realized you were no longer behind him.


He noticed the ripples still expanding across the surface of the pool and quickly put two and two together. He sighed and continued after the suspect, but when there was no sign of you resurfacing, Sherlock realised something was very wrong.

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