No Way [ S. S]

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Summary: Spiderman's identity has been revealed and all of New York is in chaos with such news. Peter tried to make all the chaos stop by meeting a certain Master of Mystic Art to try to help him in this matter.. But the Master of Mystic Art can't always do anything ,right?

Warning: It's Stephen, who doesn't love him? slightly injured, No Way Home spoiler alert for those who haven't watched it yet, fluff, mention of other injuries, special appearance,

As usual, forgive me if there are any language mistakes or confusing storylines.. also forgive me if there are grammatical mistakes.. English is not my first language

  ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

You were married to Stephen while he was still working at Metro General Hospital and were with him when he had an incident that made him decide to head to Kathmandu to find a way to recover both hands so he could return to work as a Neurosurgeon. Too much happens as Stephen tries to recover his hands. No matter how much the surgery costs, he still wants to try to get his hands back to normal. And you, with a good heart and a patient person, try to help your husband in all the challenges you both face

So you with no choice decided to follow him to Kathmandu. And that's where all the stories begin and your new life changes. Stephen became a Sorcerer, fighting Dormamu and taking over as Sorcerer Supreme due to the death of The Ancient One and also helping Thor and Loki find their father in Norway.

How about you? well you and Wong became close friends as well as Mordo but it was only for a while because Mordo chose to go and make his own way so it's only you and Wong who still communicate but due to the things that always happen in Kamar Taj, it's quite difficult also for you to spend your time with your husband and friends.

And most surprisingly you and Cloak seem to have become good friends where Cloak will usually go to you if it is bored with Stephen or just Stephen being an ass which is sometimes. And often Cloak will put itself on your thigh like a blanket or your shoulder as if it wants to be pampered. So it's no wonder if Stephen sees Cloak with you because he knows that his relic will surely pamper you like a dog that wants it's owner attention.

But then, you usually spend your time teaching your students online in the library at New York Sanctum A. K. A your new home. So you are always alone and do your own work as a lecturer. Let me say that, you are also studying mystic art but not always because of your work as a lecturer which is often busy and also because of your students who can be said to be quite challenging as if teaching a kindergarten class.

Oh yeah, i forgot...I haven't talked about Infinity War yet. Yeah, where Bruce Banner falls from the sky and destroys the roof of the Sanctum. sheesh.. there is a lot of money to be spent to repair the roof of the Sanctum but why be surprised? Kamar Taj students can fix it while Stephen, Wong, Bruce and Tony solve this Infinity Stones thing.. plus with you who are still confused about what happened because of this sudden thing.

"You have to stayed here.. it's dangerous outside.. I don't want anything to happen to you, yeah?" Stephen said while holding your face with both hands gently.

"Oh, you better come back safely, Stephen.. I don't want to see any cuts or scratches on you otherwise you sleep outside" you said sternly while frowning as your hands held Stephen's hand which was still holding the side of your face

And the next thing you know, an Alien comes and kidnaps your husband while Ironman and Spiderman come and try to save your husband and that was the last time you heard from your husband.

Welp-that happened 5 years ago.. where everyone in the world experienced a rather shocking situation where almost all life in the Universe turned to dust, including your husband. Lucky for you, you are not one of those dusty people.

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