God i wish i never spoke[ S. H]

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Just want to say sorry if i make you sad.. Cuz this chapter will make you sad sorry!


You quit

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You quit. You have finally given up. You have tried so hard all your life to live up to his great name but you can't do it anymore. From the time you were four you were expected to do great things that your father did, Like read at a 5th grade reading level or memorize the quadratic formula but you weren't like that. You enjoyed finger painting, play dough, and tea parties. This fact often irked your father which in result left you living with your grandparents for most of your life. To say that would rather stay with your father would be a lie. At least with your grandparents they encouraged your creativity but now here you are. You are now living with your father in 221 B Baker Street and never have you felt so miserable.

Right now you were sitting on the floor leaning against the couch trying to figure out how many protons are in Sodium-Chloride. It wasn't the first time you have cried over an assignment and it probably wouldn't be the last. You were breathing heavy and your vision is blurred the grip around your pencil was causing it to bend slightly and it one final attempt to do the assignment and eras your mistake it tears the paper. In an act of anger you lift up the assignment along with your assigned book and throw it across the room with a vicious cry leaving your mouth. Right as this happened your father the oh mighty, great Sherlock walks through the main entryway of the apartment. "Now what is it this time (Y/N)." It was more of a statement then a question and the way he said your name didn't sound happy either. Like it ever has been anyway. "I am just so tired..." You whimper. Sherlock scoffs at this and continues his way to the kitchen. You decide to follow him in there. "Um... Dad?" You ask. He does little to acknowledge you which was normal but you decide to continue talking. "I was wondering if I could maybe take a mental health day?" This causes him to pause for a moment. "Why would you need to?" He asks and this stuns you. "B-Because I am really stressed and I was thinking I could relax instead of going to school tomorrow." You says as you play with your fingers. "I could gather myself so I can work properly?" "No." He says and you are immediately upset. "Why not?" You ask with a firmness in your tone. "Because you don't need it!" He says his voice just as stern as he turns to you. "Can't you see that my mental health is suffering!" You shout and storm up to him. "You are being dramatic! Stop this nonsense!" Sherlock says looking down at you. "There are case studies that says that ongoing stress could lead to exhaustion, burn out, or even suicide." Sherlock only shrugs and turns away.

You let out a cry of frustration before shouting. "Honestly would you care if I died!" "No!" This makes you gasp. "Honestly I am sick and tired of your complaining all the time!" Sherlock exclaims. "Ever since your mother left it has been constant and nonstop and I am growing sick of it!" He says and storms into the landing and up to your room. You end up following him and as you get to your room you see him rummaging on your desk and taking out your sketchbook. "You and this rubbish isn't going to take you anywhere if you take "mental health days" You need to grow up." You can tell that he has been wanting to say this for a long time now by how his chest is heaving up and down. "Dad give that here!" You say holding out your hand and reaching for it but he pulls it away and rushes past you going down the stairs. "Dad give it back!" You see him walk up to the lit fireplace as he begins to tear out sketches and drawings and throw them in. "Dad stop it!" You cry as you reach for it. "Your mother was stupid to leave you with me!" "Obviously she was because you are nothing but heartless! Now please give it back!" You shout but he just tosses the whole thing in. You rush and get the fire poker and try to the best of your ability to pull it out.

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