My Saviour [D.S] (male teen reader)

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You glanced at yourself in your bathroom mirror, cringing at the fresh bruise that was starting to form on your eye. You didn't have a great life, your parents didn't accept you for the gifted child that you were and said parents would beat you whenever something went wrong. Unluckily for you a lot of things went wrong.

"Y/n!" Your mother bellowed from the bottom of the stairs. You rolled your eyes heaving a deep sigh.

"Yes mother?" You hated the word. It meant nothing to you ever since your parents began to hit you, screaming insults like you meant nothing to them. Like you were vermin.

"Come down here this instant!" Her voice echoed throughout the house, shaking your already weak body. You mentally prepared yourself, taking tired, slow steps down the stairs. With each step your legs quivered, but not a single worry went through your mind. You were used to this treatment. Used to being abused.

"What is this?" You stared at the mark on the floor, your mothers cold gate meeting your y/c/e as you looked up.

"It's just a scuff." You huffed rolling your eyes. You saw your mothers face harden and if it was possible, at this very moment steam would be coming out of her ears.

"What do you mean 'it's just a scuff' you idiotic boy!" Her voice boomed. She took a deep breath in ready to shout another insult before you cut her off, confidence and adrenaline pumping through your veins.

"Do it. I dare you." You deadpanned. You stepped closer to your mother. "I've had enough of these tiresome insults. I am your son and you've done nothing but treat me like dirt on the sole of your shoe. I can't believe I've stuck around for this long." You said in disbelief as you trailed your finger across your sling ring. Shell shocked, your mother stepped back. "Beating after beating, bruise after bruise, so much so that I don't even feel pain anymore. You're a terrible mother and I wish that I would've done this a long time ago."

"Do-done What?" She helplessly stuttered out. You reached under the neck of your t-shirt, pulling out the necklace she'd gave you when you were younger. Staring her in the eye and with a great tug you ripped the chain from around your neck finally letting it drop to the floor. "I'm done and I never want to see you again." You said, your voice barely above a whisper. Your mother said nothing, frozen by your outburst, as you turned your back on her walking out of the door to the only place you knew you were welcome. You used your sling ring to take you to the only place you deemed safe, the only place that felt like home; the Sanctum.

You stepped into the inviting warmth of the sanctum, humming to yourself in content as you made your way down the halls to find Doctor Strange.

You passed many of your friends all of whom brought a smile to your face as they greeted you. Finally, you stopped at the familiar door of Stephen's room. Just as you raised your hand to knock on his bedroom door you heard a whooshing behind you followed by a voice.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Stephen asked. You whipped your head around, almost giving yourself whiplash, grabbing your neck in agony.

"Oh hello, I was just about to knock." You squeaked out in embarrassment. Stephen nodded, a smile evident on his face, before he noticed the bruise that covered your right eye, though he chose not to say anything.

"Can I talk to you?" You cautiously asked, diverting your gaze to your trainers.

"Of course Y/n." Strange replied, fishing his key out of his pocket and opening his door. He stepped in, gesturing for you to do the same, before closing the door behind you. He pulled out a chair, sitting on it as your perched yourself on the edge of his bed. You waited in silence, waiting for him to say something as you twiddled your thumbs suddenly feeling very insecure.

"Your eye." He announced, making you look up. "What happened to it?" You huffed, screwing your eyes shut tightly.

"My mother." You whispered out. You kept your eyes closed, afraid of what your mentors reaction would be. You heard him sigh followed by shuffling as you felt the space beside you dip and an arm wrap around your shoulder, pulling you into a hug. You sniffled, blinking your eyes at the tears that threatened to spill.

"I'm so sorry Y/n." Stephen consoled you.

"I can't take this anymore. I can't. I'm so tired." You mumbled into his shoulder, tears now flowing freely from your eyes.

"I know, I know." He replied as he stroked your back. You felt comforted and for once in your life safe, it was the relationship you had always wanted with your parents but this felt better. This was real.

Strange's POV

I felt awful for Y/n. He was my apprentice and I was supposed to protect him, be there for him. I felt like I had failed him. Staring into the young boys eyes I saw nothing but pain yet the smallest hint of hope still lingered there. He may not of had the best start in life but I was going to change that. This would be a new start for him and maybe just maybe this would be a new start for me to? I wiped the tears from Y/n's eyes, smiling softly at him.

"Stay here for tonight,I have some business to attend to." The boy nodded at me. "I promise I'll be here when you wake." Y/n climbed into my bed. I pulled the covers over him tucking him in and wishing him goodnight getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" He questioned tiredly. I smiled to myself turning to face him.

"I have to sort something out." Y/n nodded at me closing his eyes.

"Hello Mrs Y/L/n." Y/n's mother turned around to face me, grabbing the knife nearest to her. Rolling my eyes I flicked my wrist disarming her.

"Who are you?" She bellowed frightened.

"I am doctor Stephen Strange and I'm here on behalf of your son Y/n Y/L/n."

"Tell the brat he's not welcome back here. I don't want anything to do with him." She replied, turning her back on you.

"Well seems as you feel so strongly about your son, I suppose you won't mind filling this out then." You said, slamming a piece of paper down next to her.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"It is an adoption form, to give me full consent over your son Y/n. All you have to do is sign it and you'll never have to see him again." You deadpanned. She turned to face you.


"He deserves a better life than what you have given him. Thats. Why." You snapped. And with that she signed the papers. You turned your back on her, ready to head back to the sanctum.

"Look after him won't you." Y/n's mother said. Without answering you headed back to the sanctum.

Your POV

You woke up the next morning in shock.

"Ahhh!" You screamed. Stephen turned around eyes wide.

"Oh Y/n your awake, sorry to startle you." He apologised.

"It's fine." You replied, your hand over your thumping heart. Stephen smiled at you, making you raise your eyebrow in suspicion.

"What?" You challenged.

"I have a surprise for you." Stephen smiled unable to stop himself. He gave you the small piece of paper, waiting for you to read it. You looked up at him shocked by what you had read.

"How?" You whispered.

"I visited your mother last night and she signed the form." He replied walking over to you. "Hi, son." He laughed out. You placed the paper on his bedside table attacking him in a hug.

"Thank you." You muttered into his shoulder.

"Your welcome son."

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