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You consider it for a moment and shrug. “I’ve always wanted to visit London.”

Stephen nods, then gently sets his hands on your arms to ensure he has your attention. Your brows are furrowed in confusion as you watch him. “What I’m about to show you… You need to promise me you won’t freak out.”

“Stephen…” you trail off uneasily. “Where are you going with this?”

He lets go of you then and fishes something out of his pocket. It’s a two-finger ring with a bar going across it. He slips it on and glances at you one more time before turning to face the center of the lounge. He positions the hand with the ring and steadily draws circles in the air with the other. Your eyes narrow as you wait, wondering what he’s doing, but then they widen as orange sparks flutter from seemingly out of nowhere. And soon they form a circle to match his motions. Sooner yet you no longer see the opposite side of the lounge through the circle but rather, what looks to be… a sidewalk? And buildings? Stephen steps through and turns around, holding his hand out to you, but you’re frozen in place due to shock. Were you dreaming right now?

“Please trust me,” Stephen says. He continues to hold his hand out. And you take it.

When he pulls you through, you’re shocked to be standing on the sidewalk of a place you’d never been to before. You notice there are cars driving on the left side of the street. Is this…

“London?” you ask breathlessly as you turn to Stephen. He nods, and you sputter, officially at a loss for words. You twirl back around to look through the portal, still seeing your apartment back in New York. What the hell was going on?

“How… What…” You can’t even form a full sentence. Stephen takes a deep breath, preparing to explain himself. He knew this moment would be inevitable, but now that it’s here, he wishes he waited a little longer, because he doesn’t feel like he’s ready.

“I’m a sorcerer,” he states shortly. “I can travel not only to different places around the world but also to other dimensions. I protect Earth.”

“Like… Like the Avengers?” you inquire, head still reeling.

“The Avengers defend Earth from physical threats. I defend it from mystical ones.”

You keep silent for a moment, processing this information. “Are you the only one?”

Stephen shakes his head. “There are others all around the world. I’m the one who guards the New York sanctum.”

“The what?”

“Come with me.” He holds his hand out again and this time you’re much quicker to take it as he pulls you through the gateway and back into your apartment. You watch as the portal disintegrates, orange sparks flitting about until they disappear completely. So… you hadn’t just dreamed the entire thing.

The two of you sit at the dining table until the sun sets, Stephen explaining everything to you—about how following his accident he spent every last cent he could spare on surgeries in the hopes of repairing his hands to the way they were before. About how as a last resort he’d traveled all the way to Nepal for spiritual healing. About Kaecilius, Dormammu, the destruction of the sanctum in London and the attacks on the one in New York that eventually led to Stephen becoming its new protector.

It’s a lot to think about, but you still remember to ask—“So what are you called?”

“I’m sorry?”

“You know… There’s Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch… What about you?”

Stephen smiles at your question that you ask with complete curiosity. “Doctor Strange.”

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