Husband Material (Defender Strange)

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summary: nothing can compete with Stephen with how he treats the woman of his dreams who is sick.

Warning: it's Defender Strange he's a husband material. Fluff, cuddle, warm, love, sick.

As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

You've had a fever for 5 days which is kinda suck because you've been stuck in bed for 5 days. You are unable to wake up (stand up), eat or sleep well because of how uncomfortable your body is now, plus the temperature of your body temperature does not decrease. This made Stephen worry about your condition.

Sometimes he helps you by making some potions to reduce your body discomfort but it doesn't work and it takes a long time to recover or to make the potions. But there is time, Stephen puts his hand on your back and activates a warm energy through your body to help you sleep soundly.

Although Stephen is always busy with his defenders work, he is good at dividing his time to help you during these 5 days, for example like today.

Stephen was supposed to teach some classes today but due to some of his students volunteering to help a village that needs help, he has time to help you recover from your fever. Such as today, Stephen decided to cook chicken porridge for you because Stephen knows that your body is still not strong enough to eat chewy food so porridge is the first food he can think of. Plus, he still remembers his family's recipes so he has the advantage of cooking food for you to eat in the hope that you get well soon.

After Stephen finished cooking the chicken porridge, he then brought the food tray to the bedroom that you and Stephen shared.

Stephen opened the room door with Levi's help and entered the dim room. Stephen knew that you are quite sensitive to sunlight right now so he doesn't care about the atmosphere in his room now. So without a second thought he walked over to the bed where you were sleeping now. A thick blanket over your body makes you look a bit small and drown in the thickness of the blanket. Your forehead was visibly wet with sweat while your breath was a little labored because how bad your nose is now that it's full of mucus and makes it hard for you to breathe because your nose is blocked with mucus and prevents you from smelling anything around you.

Stephen then put the tray of food on the table next to the bed and kneeled on the side of your bed and stroked your head gently.

"Darling, wake up. You need to eat." Stephen whispered in that deep baritone voice.

You groaned softly then sighed heavily before slowly opening your eyes. When your eyes can fully open, you are greeted by the handsome face of your husband by your side who looks concerned.

"hey" Stephen whispered then pushed a few stray strands of your hair that framed half your face to your ear.

"hey" you replied in your raspy voice.

"How did you sleep? Is it good or not?" Stephen stroke your hair.

"a little bit but still good. Thanks to the spell you put. i feel a little bit good" you rasped.

Stephen nodded and helped you sit up. You groaned in discomfort.

Stephen then turned on the table lamp and looked at you with concern then reached for a cup filled with water and handed it to you. You took the cup and sipped the water until it ran out. You then gave the cup back to Stephen and sighed with relief after being able to relieve your dry throat.

"you need to eat so I made chicken porridge for you. Thanks to my old family recipes that I still remember" Stephen held the bowl of porridge in his hand.

You nodded without protest. Stephen then brought the spoon containing the porridge and fed it to you. Although the porridge is a little hot, it tastes very good for your current situation. You hummed with satisfaction. Stephen then kept feeding you the porridge until it was half gone because you couldn't eat anymore because you were worried you would throw up. With that Stephen put the half finished porridge back on the table and stroked your hair.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat anymore? There's only a little left to finish" Stephen said lowly.

"I'm afraid I'll throw up so it's better to eat half" you mumbled.

"need anything? like shower? massage your body? take medicine or more spell for comfort?" Stephen offered to you. His hand is still stroking your hair.

You shook your head. "No, but I want to cuddle with you" you replied while holding Stephen's hand that was stroking your hair.

"well I can't refuse that offer" Stephen then got up and layed down next to you while hugging your body and bringing your body close to his body.

Stephen then put your head on his chest and put his face close to the top of your hair and kiss a few times, every once in a while he took a long breath to smell your scent.

"this is nice" you mumbled into your husband's chest.

"yes, you're is nice,Mrs Strange"

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