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"Oh damn it" Stephen grumbled when he felt his throat on fire.
The night before had been slightly cold, with a little rain, and  he'd left his window open. Of course it never got into his mind that he could catch a cold for that, in fact, a really bad cold. His throat hurt, and judging by the sensation that the room was getting colder and colder, he knew he had a fever.

Doctors don't get sick. Doctors are not supposed to get sick. That bothered him. Quite a lot, but yet there he was, curled up in his bed, his eyes looking  at the world with a tired expression and his fever getting worse by the minute. At least he didn't have any pressing matters to attend to at the moment. And it's Sunday, lets not forget that. He thought.

Something soft touched his cheek. His eyes shot open for an instant. He was alone in his room right? Oh. The Cloak.
A red piece of fabric was lightly brushing his face in a concerned way. The Cloak "stared" at its master in confusion. Why wasn't he up?

"Stop that, I'm alright" Stephen snarled as he snapped away the Cloak and turned his back to the annoying piece of clothing.
"I''l be up soon enough you piece of cotton" he muttered beneath his breath as he tried to go to sleep back again. Stephen just felt too weak to move right now.

Definitely he wasn't alright. It was no secret that the Cloak of Levitation liked its master and often concerned itself for his well being, but Cloaks can't always do everything for themselves, so, once Stephen had turned his back to the Cloak, and sort of dismissed it, the Cloak silently flew out of the room and headed, a floor below Stephen's room, to another. More like Y/n's room.


You weren't made for early wake ups. Especially not on weekends. But when you felt, through the heavy veil of your sleep, that something was unceremoniously shaking your body, your eyes flew open. Instinctively you conjured a shield, the warm, yellow light of the energy made your drowsiness fly away, but when a red cloak swiftly released the arm it was holding  and took to the air, you put away your spell and  rolled your eyes.

"Cloak! what was all that for?!" you demanded. You liked Stephen's cloak. When Strange wasn't around, the cloak would often cling to your shoulders and accompany you everywhere around the Sanctum ( and once even to the street), but even as much as you liked it, its sudden arrival in the middle of the morning had quite surprised you, and its urgent, rude way of waking you up had somewhat made you upset.

The Cloak sensed your anger, and its collar dropped.
"Oh, alright dear, I'm sorry, you just scared the shit out of me" you said, letting out an exasperated sigh.
The Cloak floated towards you and extended a corner to you.
"What?"you asked without taking it.
Now it was the Cloak's turn to get upset. It put its corner down, like an angry child would hide his hands from mommy, and all too quickly for your senses, the Cloak wrapped around you and the last thing you knew, you were floating all the way up to Stephen's room.

"Cloak what the hell are you doing?!"you said when it finally put you down. The Cloak just blankly stared at you. You began to pick its meaning.
"You want me to go in there? "you asked, almost not believing your words. True, Stephen was your Master, training you in the mastery of the Mystic Arts, and you two had become fast friends. Once, now that you remembered, you had confessed to the Cloak that you had feelings for Stephen. The kind of feelings you're not sure someone will return, you remember explaining. Was this the cloak's idea of making you tell him?
The Cloak managed a nod.
"What for?! he's asleep anyways, I'm sure of that" you said as you tried to walk back to your own bed, but the Cloak held you in place.
"Oh come on Cloak, what it that you want me to do in there anyways?!"
The Cloak pushed open the already half- open door, and all you saw was Stephen's back to the door."See?! he's asleep!"you insisted, but Cloak just wasn't willing to let you go.
It pushed you into the room and somehow, managed to close the door, leaving you, and the Sorcerer Supreme locked together.
Damn it. When you told the Cloak that you liked Stephen, it never came into your mind that a situation as awkward as this was ever going to happen,  but all of the sudden, your torrent of thoughts was interrupted by a little whimper.

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