Midnight Nightmare [D.S]

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Everything was dark. It was difficult to see, but if he focused he could see the outlines of hallway walls and doorways. Stephen carefully took steps forwards, trying to not run into anything. Other than the darkness, what also hit him hard was the cold. The Sanctum is never this freezing. He expected for his breath to come out as a visible fog. He also noticed that he had his blue robes on but not the cloak of levitation, and he did not know where it was. The Eye of Agamotto was missing too, the absence of the green glow from the time stone. He passed by a window, and the dark New York night was just that, dark. There were zero lights on any buildings in the distance, in the city that never sleeps.

Something was off.

Then a thought crossed his mind, and worry overcame him.


He did not know where you were, and that was his number one worry with the sanctum looking like this. Stephen continued to carefully walk down the hallway while the darkness somehow seemed to get darker.

Then he began to hear a noise. It was a low humming and it was the only thing he could hear. He began to follow it, a feeling in the pit of his gut growing that gave him an unsettling instinct. The only other noise heard was of his boot's hitting the wooden floors as he walked towards the hum.

The more he walked the more the sound got louder. He could almost feel a vibration coming from the noise. When he got closer to the source, he saw a light coming from the bottom of a closed doorway. He walked slowly towards the door and placed his hand on the doorknob. He turned it, feeling the world slow around him, and opened the door.

What he was before him, he did not understand at first. When he looked closer, his heart dropped.

It was a glowing source of energy, sparks and ribbons of light. In its centre was you. Or rather it was your body. Your body was floating, engrossed in the magical prison that seemed to hold your body captive.

Stephen instantly ran up to you, and when he did the magic stopped. Your limb body collapsed and began to fall. He caught you. You were so cold. There was no sign of life, your energy and happiness that usually radiated off you. Gone. It was like your astral body was pushed out of you and never returned. You were an empty shell.

He held you, disbelief and shock running through his own body and his mind. A quiet sob escaped him, all while he whispered your name and a countless stream of the word "no..."


It first started as echos. Then the sounds became louder and louder and louder. You heard the distinct voice first, immediately recognizing the low tone. But the low tone began yelling, and the echos began turning into a constant screaming in your head.

"What is wrong with you? Don't touch me! What are you doing?!"

All of the different phrases seemed to come out at once. And they kept repeating.

Then you saw him, Stephen, towering over you with his cloak flaring out. You were scrambling to make distance between you two, but he kept coming forwards.

Whenever Stephen was mad, he could become terrifying. You've see it before, explosive and aggressive. But in this moment, his rage was targeted towards you.

You found yourself crying, and being backed into a corner. You were scared, and you begged him to stop; "Stephen please, stop! I'm sorry." It felt like you could not speak, your voice only coming out as quiet breaths

"I hate you! You're weak and you are stupid! You will never be good enough! Do you hear me!?!?!"

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." You kept repeating under your breath, your dying voice being drowned out by Stephen's yelling.

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