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This was a request  for Dwight blackmailing Jim. I really did not enjoy writing this so I wanted to warn you there is blackmailing, manipulation, and a bad relationship. 

Jim was easy. Too willing to please others, too okay with being manipulated, and realizing it only when it was too late. It made it easy for Dwight to form his trap. To have Jim fall right into it, blind and trusting, until he woke up and realized he had put himself into this situation. 

All he really needed to do was be sweet. Jim ate it up. Flowers, cakes, door held open for him for that dopey grin to appear. Jim turning such a beautiful pink that Dwight wanted to trap and frame Jim right there and then, but patience was something that Dwight had acquired. Something he used so nicely on Jim, that he knew he almost had him. 

Jim was guarded. As much as he joked and went with his whims, Dwight knew he had to be careful. He was the boss after all and Jim was his worker. He had to play this perfectly. 

Knew he had to let Jim know that Dwight was someone he could rely on. Someone that would never hurt him. Ha. As if. But Dwight was setting the trap, so what if he looked lovesick? Jim drank that persona like it was wine, so eager that Dwight himself could only grin like a fool. 

Jim never thought he'd meet the person that would treat him like this. Wrapping blankets around him after falling asleep 30 minutes into the movie. Flowers on his desk, little sticky notes. God he might actually be in love, can you believe it? 

And it was with Dwight, the person he had known for years. He had watched the man become his boss and now he was holding it in, doing everything to not fully fall for Dwight, because that was his boss he couldn't. 

Maybe he should have seen or noticed the ways that Dwight was too sweet, too kind to Jim. But he believed it. Believed Dwight would never hurt him, because Dwight was everything he wanted. 

And when he felt Dwight's lips on his, kissing him after hours in the break room, cradling his head and making Jim moan louder than he ever had, Jim fell for Dwight completely. 

"Dwight, we can't you're the boss" but Jim's pleas were lost when Dwight started to suck on a spot on his neck and soon their clothes were strewn everywhere. 

He felt absolutely blind sided when he walked into the office next day no one around except Dwight. 

"Hey Dwight" he said all bright happy smiles, because after he had two orgasms ringed out of him with Dwight whispering sweet nothings into his ear, Dwight took him home, kissing his cheeks before saying "goodnight" and Jim was still happy as can be. 

His grin fell when Dwight said "if you don't go out with me, I'll tell everyone how you got on your knees for the boss" he said tauntingly, evil in a way Jim had never seen him. 

"Dwight what?" Jim stuttered, confused by Dwight, because he would have gone out with him in any case, but this. This was evil, all the bad things that someone could do. 

"You heard me" Dwight replied, that sweet smile from the last few months was gone replaced by a cruel look. 

And that's how Jim ended up here, fallen into Dwight's trap. It was no longer sweet notes, it was a possessiveness that made ruled Dwight. Made him claim Jim and never let him out of his site. 

Jim x Dwight One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now