Summer Camp (Part 2)

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Jim was a dork. Him and his mismatch group of friends proved this. There was the always right Oscar, pretentious Andy, hipster Ryan, and the actually cool Darryl. They made for an interesting bunch. Jim was a mix of all of them, thus leaving him to be close with everyone. 

Jim always thought he was like everyone else; until 2 weeks ago when school had ended. He was watching an R rated film with his brothers that he was forced to sit through. Jim knew his brothers found him weird because he always went for girls that Tom deemed as dorky, but Jim liked dorky.

The issue for Jim wasn't that he was forced to watch a terrible movie, with scantily clad women. The problem was that his heart kept racing whenever the main character would pop up. The main character wasn't a women though, it was a man.

Jim had never felt this way before about a guy. His heart had raced plenty of times when he was around girls or saw actresses on screen, but with guys? No, this way new. Jim started to feel his skin prickling. He jumped up from the couch and dashed up to his room, ignoring his brothers calls.

He threw himself onto the bed and started to take deep breaths. "What the hell. What the hell. What the hell" Jim kept whispering to himself. He tried to take a deep breath and clear his mind from the turbulent emotions raging inside of him. 

He thought back to freshmen year when Oscar had told him he was gay. Oscar described to him how he had never felt his heart race around girls, no matter if he was dating them or not, but with guys his heart would race and that's how he knew. He had sworn Jim to secrecy and Jim kept his promise, but now that he was having this crisis he had to think to himself. He didn't feel gay. He liked girls. But he also seemed to like guys.

What did this all mean? He felt tears roll down his face. He couldn't imagine talking with his parents and telling them that he might be gay or even his best friends. Oscar hadn't even felt comfortable yet to tell them, how would Jim be able to?

He held his dilemma in for the first 2 weeks of summer. He came up with the excuse that if he told all of his friends it would have to be together, thus leaving him to have 2 weeks of stress.

. . . . . . . . .

They all gathered around the campfire, except for Clark, Pete, and Dwight who had been assigned with the task of preparing the camp hall for the next day, something all campers had to partake in.

They roasted marshmallows and told each other one secret they all had. "I am thinking about taking a bunch of art classes this year so that I can apply to art school in junior year" Pam said, smiling shyly at everyone around the campfire. A couple of woos and claps were heard around the campfire. "Hey Beesly, that's awesome" Jim said, smiling sincerely at her. 

Oscar's turn was next. He took a deep breath, "I want to be honest with you guys, I like guys and I have for a while and I'm ready to let people know" Oscar said. He was happy and glad to let the weight off his chest. All his friends smiled at him, "Hey that's great" Ryan said. "Yes it really is" Oscar said mockingly, but smiled back at Ryan. 

Darryl you're up, "I'm learning Chinese and thinking about going into something business related" he admitted. Jim felt elated with all of his friends. He felt so happy, so free, something summer nights and moments with friends can only make you feel. You feel so weightless and like nothing could go wrong and Jim felt that. 

"Jim" everyone said expectantly, "oh is it my turn already? Okay hmm let me think" Jim said grinning at all of them. "You have to tell us something real" Pam said, "yeah Jim" Ryan agreed. Jim smiled, "okay fine I-" Jim paused. Was he really going to tell everyone his secret? There was no better time he supposed.

"I like girls" Jim started to say. "Big deal" someone said, "also guys I think" Jim finished, causing a silence to fall over the campfire. Jim ducked his head down, staring intently at his knees. "Are you bisexual?" Oscar asked. Jim nodded, "Um yeah, I guess" Jim said, rubbing the back of neck. "Welcome to the club, well half of it" Oscar said, smiling. Darryl agreed, "welcome to the club Jimmy. Here guys next round of marshmallows are on me" Darryl said. 

Jim smiled at him and turned his head to Pam. "So you like guys" she said, "yeah I just figured it out 2 weeks ago so don't be mad I didn't tell you" Jim said. "I'm not mad, I now know why you're such a good listener" she teased. "Oh haha I'm not going to be your gay best friend Beesly". Pam hummed noncommittally. He shoved her lightly with his shoulder.

"I'm really proud of you" Pam whispered as they walked up to their cabins. "And I know you're not my gay best friend, you're just my best friend who happens to like guys, but also girls" she said. Jim nodded, "yep I'm still the dorky Jim you met years ago and told you your yogurt was expired even though I had no reason to know that" he said chuckling. Pam laughed, "yeah still no explanation for that Halpert." Jim smiled at her, "thank you for being so supportive" he told her. "Of course Jim" Pam said, smiling and reaching up to hug him.

. . . . . . . . .

Jim was greeted to some of his friends getting ready for bed, some walking around brushing their teeth, and some pillow fighting. 

"Michael is crazy" Clark huffed, popping down on his bed. "Yes he is" Oscar agreed, already in bed and avidly reading a book. Jim made his way to his bunk, giving a fist bump to Kevin, before grabbing his toiletries and going to the bathroom to brush his teeth. 

They all started to quiet down once most of them finished getting ready for bed. "Hey guys, thanks for supporting me" Jim said, laying down in the bed. "Don't get too sentimental on us" Oscar joked, "but seriously guys you're the best" he said. The boys all laughed, "no problem Oscar and Jim" Kevin said. 

Light filled the room again, until Dwight shut the bathroom door behind him. He slowly walked to the bunk bed and climbed the ladder. "Do you have a side preference?" Jim asked, laying closest to the wall. "No the edge is fine" Dwight said. "Perfect. Night Dwight, night guys" Jim said. "Night" they all called out, some shifting sides and some talking to the bunk next to them. Jim settled into the blankets, breathing a sigh of relief as he lay on his back.

"How was the campfire?" Dwight asked, "good" Jim replied, turning his head to smile at Dwight. "We have it every night and usually the counselors are there too, but for the first night they usually skip and let us catch up with each other. You'll experience it tomorrow" Jim told him. "So we don't have to set the hall up everyday?" Dwight asked hopefully. "Haha no. New people get picked don't worry and usually it's only the first week and then the counselors and Michael get tired of it" Jim laughed. "That's good" Dwight said, shifting his body so that his back faced Jim. 

"Goodnight Jim and thanks for everything" Dwight whispered, quieting even more at the end of his sentence. It was easier to talk with Jim if he couldn't see Jim's face. "No problem Dwight, goodnight, sleep tight" Jim said, smiling to Dwight's back before shutting his eyes. 

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