Single Dad Dwight

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Idk who Dwight had his son with I just wanted to write this story.

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"Okay Jim, so I need you to help me with this problem I'm having" Michael told Jim, but was interrupted when his phone began to ring. "Do you mind if I get this?" Michael asked, "yeah go ahead" Jim replied, looking around Michael's office to give him the illusion of privacy.

"Michael" Dwight's voice rang out. "Oh, it's just you. Why aren't you at work?" Michael asked. "Look Philip is being fussy today and I can't find anyone to take him, so can I bring him in to work?" Dwight asked. His voice seemed panicked from what Jim could hear. 

Michael sighed but agreed. "Sure, just get here soon Dwight" Michael said. "Sorry about that Jim, okay so now where were we?" 

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"I'm here" Dwight said, walking into the office with Philip in his arms. His cheeks were slightly pink and his hair was sticking up due to him gripping his hair in stress from the terrible morning he was having. 

"Hi Dwight, Hi Phillip" Pam greeted, smiling up at Dwight's adorable baby. Philip smiled shyly at Pam before tucking his face into his dads chest. Dwight rubbed Philip's back to calm him and made his way over to his desk. 

Philip peered up and looked over Dwight's shoulder and looked at Jim. Jim smiled at the baby and made funny faces, causing Philip to giggle. Dwight took Philip and put him down in his chair and looked at him curiously. He wasn't sure what Philip was giggling about. 

As Dwight got settled, putting his briefcase down and taking things out of it, Philip sat in the chair happily and continued to stare at Jim. Jim continued to pull faces and was laughing with the baby. "Hi Philip" Jim said waving at the baby. Dwight scowled at Jim and took Philip back in his arms. 

"Lets go get coffee for daddy" Dwight said to Philip taking him to the kitchen. He would not let Philip be left alone with Jim and corrupted by Jim's idiocy. 

He returned to his desk, sending a glare to Jim who was looking up at them. "Okay Phillip, lets get to work" Dwight said, setting Philip in his lap and holding one of his hands in his. 

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"Hey Pam, do you mind holding Philip? I have to talk with an important client" Dwight asked her nervously. "Sure Dwight!" Pam replied. "Hi Philip" Pam cooed as she held the baby in her arms. 

Dwight walked to his desk and sighed and then began to dial the number for the client. Jim did some work and then decided to go say hi to Pam and the cute baby Philip. 

"Hey Pam, hey Philip" Jim greeted, popping a candy in his mouth and smiling at them. Philip brightened up when he saw Jim and clapped happily. "Do you want to hold him while I do some work?" Pam asked. "Sure" Jim said, moving around the desk to take Philip out of her arms. 

"Hey buddy, how are you" Jim said as Philip settled into his arms. Philip reached for Jim's hair and pulled lightly on it. Jim made a face that made Philip squeal in laughter. Jim chuckled as well. He walked around with Philip, rubbing his back and letting Philip hold onto his fingers in his cute, chubby hands. 

"Hey look it's daddy working" Jim said, pointing at Dwight as he made his way to his desk. Dwight glared at Jim, but smiled up at Philip and waved to him. "Daddy's kind of mean to Jim" Jim muttered to Philip, sitting down with him in his lap. 

Dwight hung up from the phone a couple minutes later and glared at Jim. "Um actually Philip, Jim's the one who's kind of mean to daddy" he said to Philip. "I think your dad's remembering it wrong" Jim said, poking Philip in the stomach. Philip squealed in happiness wrapped his arms around Jim, giving him a hug.

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