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"There is sand all over my shorts." 

"Oh my god Dwight, stop complaining" Jim said, throwing some sand at Dwight. Dwight grunted, trying to move out of the way. He was coated head to toe in sunscreen and while Jim was smiling blissfully in the sun, Dwight wished he was not here, and definitely not covered in sand. 

Dwight was pretty sure that Jim's smile would be the death of him. Jim had batted his pretty eyelashes, gave Dwight a smile, and Dwight was watching himself make sandwiches and packing up snacks for them to take to the beach. 

Jim turned to his side, an arm reaching out to Dwight. Dwight reached over, taking hold of Jim's hand in his. "See not so bad, right Dwight?" Jim asked, grinning at Dwight. 

"Shut it" Dwight said, but he grinned back at Jim, now turning his body towards Jim so they were face to face, laying on top of a blanket. 

Dwight leaned forward to press a kiss on Jim's nose, before shutting his eyes and letting the sun soak over him. 

He must have fallen asleep, with the sun beating down on him and Jim's arm across his body. When he drifted into consciousness, he felt a heavy, cool weight on him. That wasn't what Jim felt like, but-- "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU JIM." 

Dwight was buried in sand and Jim was not even trying to conceal his laughs, his face was pink and tears were streaming down his face, as he tried to take in gasps of air while he laughed. 

"I'm--- oh I can't breathe" Jim said, laughing still. "You were asleep and I hadn't pulled a prank on you in so long, this was too perfect" Jim said, still not calming down. 

Dwight was going to murder his husband it looked like. It was bad enough to have sand on his shorts, but now minus his head, he was covered head to toe in sand and buried in it.

"Dwight, I'll get you ice cream, stop pouting. You're out of the sand" Jim said, bumping Dwight's shoulder. 

"I'm not pouting and I am not a child who needs ice cream to be consoled" Dwight replied, most definitely not pouting with his arms crossed. 

"You're a big baby and fine the ice cream is for me then" Jim said, easy grin on his face as he swiped some sand off of Dwight's shoulder. 

Dwight glared at Jim, swatting his hands away. His smile finally returned when Jim shared his ice cream with Dwight and gave him a sweet kiss that tasted like vanilla ice cream. 

"See the beach was not that bad Dwight" Jim said, the sun setting and the two huddled together as the night got colder. 

"Maybe" Dwight replied, kissing the top of Jim's head that was laying on top of his shoulder. 

Jim laced their fingers together, kissing Dwight's shoulder, and enjoying the light wind on his face and the colors of the sky meshing together. 

Jim x Dwight One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now